Anyone pay for their tummy tuck out of pocket?

Im pretty sure that my insurance wont pay for one, I want to know a good estimate of how much one would cost out of pocket.    — Cory F. (posted on April 18, 2002)

April 17, 2002
For the operating suite (it would be done outpatient), general anesthesia and the surgeon's cost about $7000.
   — Patty H.

October 11, 2002
I had a tummy tuck and lipo three years ago.. Total cost was $ 5500. not to bad i think. after six months i was brought back for additional lip <included> and opted to add $900 for an upper back lipo... so all told spent $6400 out of my pocket
   — TerryLee J.

November 19, 2002
I just had my tt done two weeks ago. They repaired 3 hernias at the same time. Total cost to me out of pocket was 4200. I did ask the doctor on price for thigh and arm lift, thigh is 3200 and arm is 2500.
   — kissaducky

July 15, 2003
My surgeon's fee for the TT was $3,900. If you add facility fees, anesthesia, etc., that can add at least $2,000 more. My guess for you would be $4,000-$7,000.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 19, 2004
Hi I was having trouble getting the money to pay for my plastic surgery and was searching and searching and wasting money on programs when I came across the one I used. I had the money to pay for my surgery within 30 days and all it cost me was 11.50 to get started. Heres the address.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 2, 2005
Finally...I got my "Tips for Getting Your Plastic Surgery Approved" worksheet on my website. It will help individuals who have medically necessary issues get their plastic surgery covered, at least in part, by insurance. Check under "Patient Resources" Also there are info and links for patient financing !
   — DrL

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