Swelling in hands and feet vry bad, and all over,PAINFUL

I am Pre-op, and I hate going to DRs so if you know what this coulb be and it needs doctoring i will go. My hands and feet have been severely swollen. The rest of my body too, but not as visibly noticeable. My skin is incredibly senstive. It hurts to lay my legs against each other or to rub my skin lightly. Got any ideas?    — Bethany M. (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 16, 2002
You probably should call your doctor. Are you well-hydrated, drinking lots of fluids? I know that you can become swollen if you're retaining water, which means you're not drinking enough water. But I've never retained water to the point of my skin hurting, so I may not know what I'm talking about. It does stink to go to the doctor, but it could be something more serious than just water retention. Good luck!
   — Kristie B.

April 16, 2002
I am not even going to speculate here, becasue it could be so many different things. I know you hate doctors, but severe swelling and pain is definitley not a good thing. Be safe and call your doc today.
   — PaulaM

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