Why am I staying so hungry?

I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and I am so hungry. Just this week I got to add creamed soups and a baked potato, but it is not helping with the hunger! I am getting plenty to drink, also drinking 2 protein shakes a day...the nurse said that she can't believe that I can drink the whole shake. I am not supposed to eat over 3 oz. at each meal, but I don't even feel like I have had anything to eat after that! I woke up from surgery like this! As a matter of fact, before my surgery I was never able to feel full. What is the matter with me and how far can you push it before you stretch your new pouch?    — Brenda V. (posted on April 11, 2002)

April 11, 2002
Hi Brenda, I felt the same way so I started eating plain broiled fish from Captin D's I could only eat about 3 or 4 bites and I was full and satisfied. I told my Dr. about it and he said it was an excellent source of protein and if it didn't bother me or my new pouch it was fine. I am now 7 months post op RYN and have lost almost 100 lbs. I can only tell you what helped me. You must do what you think is best :-) (((Hugs)))
   — Kathy H.

April 11, 2002
I wanted to calm your fears about stretching the pouch. According to the doctor, your pouch will stretch if you are consistenly overeating to the point where you are vomitting. Also, you didn't say how long it takes you to eat a meal. If you are eating 3 ounces over 2 hours, then you should be hungry. I remember that I was eating 1/2c of soup at 2-3 weeks. I can't remember if I finished it but I think I did. Another thought, I read somewhere that some people suffer from some nerve defect that never allows them to feel full. In that case I'd be very careful with the measuring. But like I said, if you are not vomitting, you are not overeating. You would definitely know this early on. ~jeanne
   — Jeannet

April 11, 2002
Brenda, Thanks for your question. I am one week post op and feel the exact same way...I wish I could have been one of those people who has to remember to eat! But I guess I'm glad not to be suffering from nausea or any other nasty side effects. Anyway, I asked my dr. to okay going on purees/solids since I didn't see how I could make it another two weeks on full liquids, and I have been doing okay. I find I am stuffed after 1/2 boiled egg and 1/2 sl. toast, or six tiny cubes of chicken. So I guess it's good news bad news - perhaps I (we) will get hungry a lot, but just a tiny bit will fill me (us) up. Interesting how this surgery affects people so differently...Good luck!
   — rebeccamayhew

April 12, 2002
Brenda, You are still in the full liquid stage, and prone to get hungry. When you get to the pureed and solid stage, that should abate some. When you are hungry, go ahead and eat-try to eat protein if you can-steamed white fish, cheese and crackers, soft boiled or soft scrambled eggs. You'll probably find that just a small amount will fill you up. Some don't get hungry at all and others do, but keep in mind that just a small amount will fill you-thats the beauty of it!
   — Cindy R.

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