Please explain what this syndrome is and what happens with it.

I'm asking this for my daughters sake. She's 13 weeks out and can't eat chicken or beef and veggies. She's drinking boost and protien suppliments and liquid vitamins and milk, apple sauce, her doctors office sent her some suppositories for the nausea.    — gwendolyn M. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 23, 2002
I'm not in the medical field and what I know about the syndrome would fit in a thimble 13 weeks out there are a lot of OTHER things that should be considered before stasis syndrome. For example, has she been scoped to see if there is a stricture? You also state that she is drinking Boost and protein supplements. Boost is pretty high in sugar and, personally, my system can't tolerate it. I'll dump every time I try and drink it. How much milk is she drinking? And is it skim milk or something else? Milk has a lot of natural sugar in it and it does cause some folks to dump. Is the applesauce sugar free? You may want to check. Everybody who dumps does it a little differently but in my case, severe nausea, sweating, cramps and vomiting are the rule of the day. The point I'm trying to make is that at 13 weeks out, PLEASE make sure you've looked at EVERYTHING before you start worrying about something like stasis syndrome. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck.
   — Pam S.

March 24, 2002
Hi: I am 7 1/2 mos postop down #122 and have NEVER been able to do the Boost, protein drinks, or milk. It ALWAYS makes me horribly nauseous. Try eliminating the milk products and protein drinks for a day or two and see if that makes you feel any better. It's not going to hurt you to do a day or so without them. Instead, try a little mashed beans, or peanut butter on crackers for your protein instead. My saving grace was hot tea. Anytime my new tummy got upset, I had some hot tea and that did the trick. Also helped me get my liquids in. Personally those supplement drinks are a waste of money. I am taking no vits or supplements at all and am controlling my blood levels with my diet. My dr did my blood 2 weeks ago and said that my bloods were TOO GOOD. He advised me to back off of the protein a little. Go back to basics and eat what sounds good to you. If there is something that sounds REALLY good to you, your body must be wanting it. I listen to my body. If it's a no meat day, I eat beans and cheese, peanut butter, egg salad, etc. for my protein. Try something besides the drinks.
   — Joi G.

March 24, 2002
My surgeon rountinely gives out antibiotics for newbies that often clear up nausea. She might have a infection. Tell her to insist on being seen by her surgeon.
   — bob-haller

March 28, 2002
I agree and think your daughter needs to visit the Dr. and maybe have a check-up. Also, boost is so high in sugar I have heard a lot of people can tolerate it I am 7weeks post-op and cant tolerate those drinks. I did find a drink high in protein at Wal-Mart with no or minimal sugar its called Advant-Edge Carb-Control they are pretty tasty maybe she could try them. If you put it in the blender with ice and a piece of banana (small piece)its really tasty. I think she should quit the boost drink for a while and see how she feels. Hope this helps tell her GOOD LUCK : )
   — kara B.

March 29, 2002
Thanks everyone for your kind words. My daughter went back to her surgeon on Tuesday of this week and was sent for an upper GI on Wednesday. She went back on Thursday for the result and her surgeon told her the site of her surgery had narrowed a little more than it should and she's to have a scope done next week to widened it back to the right size. that's why she hasn't been able to eat meats or veggies, etc. Her surgeon told her to drink boost, protein drinks, eat the yogart what ever liquid she can get in as long as she watches the calories (around 500 to 600) and gets all her protein in and the 60 to 80 ozs fluid needed. I'm most thankful that's it's nothing any more serious. Love to you all. Gwen Miller
   — gwendolyn M.

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