What if the doctor finds something wrong during surgery

This is mostly for females. What im wondering is does the surgeons usually look around? Say like if a female has a ovarian tumor or cyst but didnt know before surgery. Ive already been told that they will be doing a liver biopsy and removing my appendix. Has anyone else ever have this surgery and wake up and it not be done because they found something else? Im just nervous that i will wake up and not have the wls because they found something. I hope this makes since :-)    — Deanna B. (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 12, 2002
Hi Deanna... I asked my surgeon this question and he fixes what he finds if he can. He looks at the ovaries, uterus if no hystero; gallbladder, hernias, liver, spleen, everything. He told me one time he did a hysterectomy as it was full of tumors. So I as glad to know I'll be having an overhaul. You may wish to talk to your Dr. to get his thoughts on what all he will or will not do. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

March 12, 2002
Deanna, makes a lot of sense actually. I have the same fears. Thanks for stating them! LOL
   — ScatCat

March 12, 2002
hi deanna. my surgeon is a trauma surgeon as well so when he opens u up he looks at EVERYTHING. he performed a liver biopsy on me because he wasnt happy with the way my liver looked & he cleaned up a load of adhesions (internal scar tissue) that had accummulated in my belly from previous surgeries. he then continued on with my rny.
   — sheryl titone

March 15, 2002
Hi, my surgeon explains in each patient's informed consent paperwork that "At surgery, your abdominal cavity will be explored. No other procedures or operations will be performed unless an unexpected condition is found which could affect you immediate health or safety. Should such a condition arise, the treatment deemed necessary will be performed at the discretion of the surgeon." I really felt comfortable with this statement, I also felt comfortable with my surgeon as a whole.
   — ChristineB

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