Is my heart rate too high for surgery?

I have my pre-op appointment with the cardiologist next week (surgery is March 25th). I get very little exercise and weigh 320lbs. on a 5'5" body, my pulse rate is usually very high especially with any exertion...somewhere around the 90's or 100' you think that I will have a problem getting cleared for surgery? I just assumed that most obese people had a high pulse I wrong?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
Hi there, I just had my stress test and echocardiagram done with my cardiologist recently. My resting heart rate is usually around 88, but here is a funny story. When I went in for my stress test (my 3rd appt at the Cardiologist's office), the guy who hooked me up (to the EKG stuff you wear while taking the stress test) was REALLY attractive. We had been flirting at all of our past visits, lol (he's 30, I'm 20... sparks!... anyway...). So basically, he got me really excited and when he hooked me up to the equipment, my "resting heart rate" got up to 146 (before I even got on the darn treadmill!). How embarassing... it was so obvious, but the doctor didn't realize why my heart rate was so high when he looked at the results, lol. So even though the doctor thought my base resting heart rate was around 114, in his report he sent he said "She would be at low risk for her surgical procedure as far as cardiac complications. A beta blocker can be considered if she has persistent palpitations associated with her elevated heart rate." You will be fine! Just don't get a cute guy to do the test on you ;)! Heeheehee :)
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2002
I'm not sure if the heart rate will affect your approval for surgery, but I do know that when I was heavier, my resting heart rate was about 80-100. Now that I'm 7.5 months post-op and down over 90 pounds, my resting heart rate is about 55-60. It only gets up past 100 if I am exercising or if I eat sugar. From my physiology class in nursing school, we learned that inactivity and obesity can cause the heart rate to be higher. The more exercise you get, the more efficient the heart becomes and therefore, it does not need to contract as often to supply the same amount of blood to the body. I think the cardiologist will simply see the heart rate as a side effect of the obesity and not an obstacle to surgery. Best Wishes!
   — Angelia M.

March 6, 2002
Hey- my pulse has always been high. I am 6 months post op and normal at restis around 98. During my surgery my pulse was 126 throughout the procedure. As long as they know that this is normal for you I don't see a problem.
   — jenna F.

March 7, 2002
My resting heart rate a week before surgery was 119. Obviously, I had surgery anyway. :-) Now 5.5 months out, down 116 lbs & 91 inches, my resting heart rate is 68, a picture of health. Exercising 1-2 hours a day really helps with that. I don't think you'll have trouble getting approved because of a high pulse unless you actually do have a heart problem.
   — Julia M.

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