Any ideas about what could be causing these spells?

I am 3 months out and have had two separate incidents where I have all of the sudden felt very nauseated and dizzy, basically like I was going to get sick and pass out. In both events, I had already been standing for a while, the first one I had just cut my finger before it happened (I have never had an adverse reaction to blood before) the second incident, I was at an event with a bunch of people when the same thing happened. Any ideas would be appreciated.    — Rebecca C. (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
This is just why they happen to me.. you should check with your DR!!! When I get a panic attack (sometimes they sneak up on me) that's the same feeling I get.. are you feeling anxious or nervous?
   — [Anonymous]

February 23, 2002
I have had the same type of thing happen for years now. After lots of testing my doctors decided it was a Vaso-vagal (sp?) response. My blood pressure runs kind of low anyways. When I would have one of these episodes my blood pressure drops like a rock. Mine are always in response to some sort of pain/fear combination. It doesn't happen everytime but when it does it's scary. I've gone as long as 3 years between episodes or a little as 6 weeks. The triggers are never predictable either. I cut my hand when I was cooking and had no problem...but one time I cut my hand (and it wasn't any worse) on a broken piece of glass and had an episode. My episodes can be a simple as feeling nausious and dizzy or can go as far as actually throwing up, fainting, and or having a seisure. My doctor explained it as an event that triggers a panic attack that lowers my blood pressure and sets of physical reactions. I really don't have problems with panic attacks at any other time. <p>You may not be having what happens to me but what you described sounds so simular to what happens to me.
   — [Anonymous]

February 23, 2002
I am almost 3 months out and I just had the same thing happen to me several times over a period of 5 days. My doctor ordered blood tests and it turns out I was dehydrated and my electrolytes (potassium in particular) were low. He told me to drink Pedialyte or Gatorade. I also got some potassium tablets to take - feel much better after a couple of days.
   — Susan C.

June 10, 2002
hi, i just wanted to add, i had on 2 occations almost passed out after standing for about an hour, i got dizzy, blured vission, dull hearing, couldnt walk, etc. my doctor said to drink more liquids, but also he said that the blood in my legs may be "pooling" so i have to move them and flex the muscles if im standing for long. so im going to try both things and hopefully it will help. im getting tired of falling to the floor, almost passing out, in public
   — jennifer L.

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