What is gout?

I read about someone getting gout in her foot,can anyone tell me what that is?Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 22, 2002)

February 22, 2002
Gout is very common after WLS, don't ask me why. Gout is an unusual buildup of uric acid usually in the joint of the big toe. I got it about 2 months after my RNY and I thought I had broken my foot! It was VERY painful and the toughest thing was that my new tummy couldn't tolerate the meds to heal this problem. NOT PLEASANT!
   — Terissa R.

February 22, 2002
I have had gout for 20 yrs I nthe middle ages they called it the Kings disease because of all the rich foods the Royals ate!! It is a build up of uric acid in your system and when that happens the acid crystalizes in the shape of pine needles and settles in your joints!! usually your big toe or your knee. I am zyloprim and have been every day for 20 years. Even so I have still had attacks and it is the most painful thing I have ever experienced and I have broken 9 bones and had7surgeries in my life. Like the previous poster post-op if you have an attack the meds you take to get rid of it can really tear your stomach up!!!
   — Blase K.

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