Tricare - Has anyone had any luck getting Tricare Prime to pay for an Abdominoplasty?

   — Michele V. (posted on January 17, 2002)

January 18, 2002
I keep waiting for someone to respond with good news. I have Tricare also and am interested in the answer. I'm bummed nobody responded.
   — Cheri M.

January 24, 2002
I have Tricare standard and would like to know the same thing. I hope someone responds.
   — Robin R.

August 18, 2003
I live here in Hawaii and know a few people who have had a tummy tuck at he Military hospital here. We have to pay for our own tummy tuck. Tricare WILL NOT cover this for us. As it stand we do have to pay a small amount compaired to paying full price, but like I said Tricare DOES NOT cover it.
   — Julie M.

December 22, 2003
YES!!! I am having a abdominoplasty/hernia repair on January 27th in Clarksville, TN by Dr. William Steely. I went in for a consultation for post-op care after my Gen Prac. PCP was having difficulty treating me on a post-op basis and Dr. Steely suggested a TT/Hernia repair. I was a bit shocked but said if he thought he could get Tricare to approve it, I was game. Well he put in ONE letter of recommendation and took several nudie photos (oh the humanity!) and to my shock and amazement, they approved on the first time out!!! (God those nudies most have been AWFUL!) I'm a bit nervous, of course..but really excited at the idea of having this done. I had an open RNY on June 17th of 2002 and am down from 315 to 155. I was just so darn tickled to see my toes again without bending but now the idea of seeing my hip bones without having to LIFT anything?!!? WOO!!! All I can say is to find a surgeon that has dealt with Tricare before and knows the proper channels. Dr. Steely is close to Fort Campbell and has dealt with Tricare on a frequent basis so he knows the ins and outs of getting approvals through them. He did say though that breast lifts/thighs and arms were NON covered procedures but was willing to "work with" me on the cost if I chose to have them done at a later time. (We'll see..I'm hoping that continued exercise and working with weights will help get those areas in better shape!) GOOD LUCK to you guys!!!! Merry Christmas!
   — cdrice

January 5, 2004
I spoke with a person at the Tricare offices about plastic surgery ie TT/abdominoplasty when I was talking to them about the WLS. Was told that if I got a letter of medical necessity then they would approve it. Now all I need to find is a doctor that accepts Tricare in my area. Have to go 300+ miles to have the WLS.
   — Linda S.

January 11, 2004
I have Tri Care Prime, and I have been told by several surgeons that they will cover it, basically it's up to your surgeon. Have not actually scheduled it yet, as I am still losing though, so will know in a few months hopefully!
   — dreaers

July 21, 2006
Tricare Prime covered my TT as long as it was done at throught the Military. I had that done 3/05, Col Jennings performed it and was awesome! Although during the surgery he found a hernia the size of a fist....I had so much skin and sag that we never knew until I was open. He explained to me how obesity stretched the skin and would probably sag in a did and he performed the panni 3/06 to pull the rest....all was covered through Tricare Prime!
   — welfarel

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