Splenda Question?

Can you please tell me what the difference between Splenda and Nutra Sweet is? I hear that its better then a sugar substitute. Where can I buy Splenda? I live in Southern California..Thanks Guys. Cheri    — mastrnservnt (posted on January 12, 2002)

January 12, 2002
Splenda is made from sugar, so some say it is more natural. The hype is that it is better than Nutrasweet because Nutrasweet contains Aspartame (I don't know if this is true or not). You can buy it at any grocery store or Costco. Hope that helps.
   — Sasha A.

January 12, 2002
Hi Cheri... I love Splenda... It has the same texture as sugar and made from sugar and not at all like Nutrasweet. It most likely will be a top replacement for it. Does not have an aftertaste nor does it break down in cooking. You can buy it in those little packets by the box or loose in a box to use in cooking. Most grocery stores, Walmart, etc. carry it now but Splenda also has a I think. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

January 12, 2002
A recient article in family circle explained that Splenda is genetically altered sugar , and is not used by our body as a carbohydrate. I like it . I use it in baking as well as my tea. I still will use sweet and low if I can't get splenda but nutrasweet gives me a headache. Get it in any grocery store , in the sugar isle.
   — Rose A.

January 12, 2002
Hi Cheri, Cheri here..I love using Splenda. Like the previous poster said, it doesn't break down and lose its sweetness in heating. Swiss Miss makes a hot choc. with splenda and it is wonderful. You cannot tell it isn't sugar. It is in a yellow box next to the pink(saccharin) and blue(aspartame) products and you can find it in about any grocery store and Walmart. Hope you are able to find it...Enjoy!
   — Cheri M.

January 12, 2002
I love Splenda... I heard a lot about it a few months ago but couldnt find it here in Florida, so I bought 3 - 1 lb equivalent boxes on the website for about $10... now I can buy it at my grocery store in both granulated and packet form. It is incredible tasting, very natural and sweet with no aftertaste. For the holidays I made wonderful cheesecakes and fruit sauces for no sugar added ice cream that no one believed were sugar free. You may have noticed that the best commercial sugar free products are made with Splenda nowadays. My husband was in hog heaven while I was testing dessert recipes for my cookbook... he couldnt believe all the sweets I made! If you cant find it locally, buy some on the website.
   — SusanMaria

January 12, 2002
Go to the Splenda website and there you will find lots of info as well as recipes. I found that I can use it in most recipes that call for sugar. Except it will give you a dryer texture in baked goods. You have to experiment with adding moisture and not a lot of fat. My husband bakes mini sweet breads for a fund raiser for our Christian school and sells them all over Northern Michigan. He has a SF Banana Bread that he makes with Spenda that is awsome. I have taken to our BTC support group (I'm the leader for our group) and everyone loved it. I can't use the Nutra Sweet because of all the chemicals that are in it. It gives me killer headaches and puts me in what I call a "brain fog".
   — livnliter

January 12, 2002
Hi Cheri, I also live in Southern California, Orange County to be exact. I use Splenda in everything, it's more expensive, but well worth it. I was buying Splenda at Target but recently saw it at Walgreen's for $2.99 which is a bargain :o) Most grocery stores have it also, but the price is hiked up. Good luck....
   — Mandy M.

January 12, 2002

   — Donell D.

January 13, 2002
WHAT?? If you'd pare that down to a few well defined paragraphs where someone could actually find the information, it would probably help. Also, a few anecdotal reports from individuals who MAY have had a problem with Splenda, do not a scientific research finding make.
   — [Anonymous]

January 13, 2002
Thanks guys for all the help. Even you I havent seen the Splenda at the stores Ive been in but maybe I havent been looking hard enough. Again, Thank You...Cheri
   — mastrnservnt

January 15, 2002
Just like everything in life, moderation is the key. I believe that all sweetners are safe if used in small quanties. I get the runs from too much nutrasweet, but do fine on small quanties. If you ask me sugar free grape kool aid is the BEST beverage i EVER TASTED.
   — bob-haller

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