Anyone have elevated homocysteine levels??

I just got the results of my blood work, 2+ years out, and they are saying everything is good except I have an elevated homocysteine level and have to go on Folgard for this. I have never heard of either the homocysteine or Folgard. I have done a google search of both, and to be honest, this elevated level of this doesn't look too good...significant increased risk of cardio vascular disease, stroke, alzheimers...the list goes on. Anyone else out there have this? It has something to do with Folic Acid...HELP!!!!! I am scared and nervous...been crying all night.    — Mustang (posted on January 9, 2004)

January 8, 2004
I am having my homocysteine level checked with my next labs. (I am over a year out from surgery) I have two friends - one female, one male, who both are slender non-smokers. The man (he is 49) had a heart attack and survived, but was found to have high homocysteine levels, blood lipids were fine. My female friend, at 48, had a massive heart attack, wound up needing a heart transplant and ultimately did not survive. I tell you this not to scare you even more, but to let you know that, although this is serious, it can easily go undetected, and it is easily treatable! That is why I plan to have mine checked. Folgard, and another similiar drug, Foltx, are essentially combinations of B vitamins (including folic acid) that will lower homocysteine levels! Seems too simple to actually treat this, but it works. We who have had WLS may be at risk for this due to the malabsorbtion. You should be thanking you doctor for wisely checking this level! (Homocysteine is an amino acid that is broken down by B vitamins and folic acid. Not enough of these vitamins in the diet can lead to a build up of homocysteine, which researchers feel can lead to atherosclerosis.) Don't cry about this - just get on the medication! And it is relatively inexpensive, to boot. (FYI: It is not generally recommended that one self treat for "possible" elevated homocysteine levels. Have the levels checked!)
   — koogy

January 9, 2004
I just asked my PCP about this yesterday- he said if your B levels are all above normal that your homocysteine levels would be fine as that is the treatment for low levels of homocysteine. He also said the cardiologist said there was inadequate data on the relevance of homocysteine and heart disease. Those individuals who died may of had co-morbidities predisposing them to heart problems. It sure is scary when we hear these stories but we do not know all the factors involved. Bottom line for us make sure to take our supplements. Cathy RNY 11/14/02 down 150lbs
   — cathy G.

January 9, 2004
Thanks...talked to the nurse at surgeon's office today...I'll probably be on Folgard for life...and have blood work done every three months for life...but other than that, I should be fine. I was upset and scared...but am feeling better.
   — Mustang

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