B-1 is bottomed out. How much do you need to get it up??

I am taking 250 mg of B-1 a day but my blood test is still showing it to be really low. My family doctor said to see my surgeon.... I can't get in to see him for sometime. How much would you need to take to get it back up to where it is supposed to be?? Thanks for any help. Dawn    — Dawn A. (posted on March 15, 2003)

March 15, 2003
B1 is also known as Thiamine, I looked it up in web md and it is sometimes caused by malabsorbation of vitimans in the intestine. the only thing it says is it is found in liver, pork, beans,brewers yeast, so maybe up your intake of these foods. read on the back of your B1 vitiman bottle, and see what it recomends as daily dosage, and if more can be taken safetly, or ask a pharmicist what they recomend. good luck on your journey.
   — wizz46

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