How much biotin should I take to prevent hair loss? I'm 10 wks post RNY.

I already have thinner hair due to yoyo dieting for many years, and no one mentioned Biotin until i noticed it on this website. Thanks!    — Leanne L. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
Hi there! According to my doctor, there isn't a damn thing we can do about hairloss. At three months out I began losing hair by the handfuls. No one notices but me. My doctor claims it's our bodies reaction to the rapid weightloss and it will stop at about six months. I'm only four months out right now, so two more months to go. I did change my hair style to a shorter cut, which seemed to help, but my doctor told me any supplement or cream was a waste of money. Good luck! Open RNY 4/29/02 -73.5
   — stacey L.

August 22, 2002
YIKES! I have thin hair that's suffered from yo-yo dieting also. I'm scheduled for surgery in a month. I just had my hair trimmed & refrained from any chemicals. Any other advice?
   — Ann M.

August 22, 2002
I take 5 mg a day. I have noticed a BIG diffrence. Now when showering or towel drying my hair I only fine 1 or 2 strands. Before a hand full. I am even seeing NEW growth. Try it, it does work.
   — sandy W.

August 22, 2002
I'm a few weeks away from surgery, but I experienced hair loss two years ago on a liquid protein diet. I was eating nothing but protein, using Nioxin hair products and taking massive amounts of biotin and other supplements. It is the shock to they system (in my opinion) that causes the hair loss, and it doesn't happen to everyone, based on what I've been able to research. The good news is that it grows back. I started losing my hair about 6 months out and it quit at about 10 months. Hope this doesn't depress you too much!
   — Paula H.

August 23, 2002
Biotin does not prevent and stop hair loss, I have been taking it from the start was taking 600mcg, now take 1200mcg and it still comes out, according to the doc, the hairloss is from the stress of the actual surgery to our bodies and the very low calorie consumption. Good luck, if you find anything, email me and let me know!
   — stacey1273

August 25, 2002
I have been taking 2500mg. of Biotin since the 4mth of surgery and once I started to take it the hair loss practically stopped. My hair is now starting to grow back in and I continue to take the Biotin everyday, whenever I have stopped taking it for a few days the hair loss starts up so I think I will continue to take it for the forseeable future, it is really quite inexpensive . And this was recommeded by my surgeon.
   — Jennie D.

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