I need help convincing a friends that had this surgery that she needs to

be taking her vitamins..she says she is fine and that her doctor told her that she doesnt need to worry about protein or vitamins for a few months cause her body has more than enough stored her doctor nuts or is this true??    — tylerswife (posted on March 17, 2002)

March 17, 2002
It is true that you have enough protein/vitamins to sustain your body for a few months, but your friend should NOT be ignoring her supplementation, because it can (1) slow down her weight loss, (2) set her up for future malnutrition and (3) set up some bad habits.
   — Terissa R.

March 17, 2002
So how is her doctor going to decide when she needs to start taking the vitamins? When her iron or B12 levels get so low she's exhausted all the time? I think this is the first time (in four months on the board) that I've heard this one.
   — garw

March 17, 2002
I agree with her doctor a bit. EARLY ON the MOST important thing is hydration, getting in your liquids. Most of us have a tough time with that. Protein defiecent is GOING to happen, and I didnt take vitamins consistently for the first month, and got low potassium. But HYDRATION is NUMBER ONE, vitamins and protein a close second! Vitamins early on and pre op ALWAYS made me throw up!:(
   — bob-haller

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