Isn't Chili a good source of protein?

I just made a pot of chili and was reading the label of the things I add to it. like the kidney beans and chili no beans and chili with beans and each can seem to have a lot of protein in it. How do you know how much protein is in homemade chili? And how much protein you are absorbing? I am 8 months post op and can tolerate most things. Any answers are appreciated.    — Sharon T. (posted on December 16, 2000)

December 16, 2000
Chili is a great source of protein. I have a great little book, called "The Vitamin Book," which lists all the vit, protein & cal counts for fast & slow foods and, according to this book, Wendy's chili (which I love) contains 210 calories and 15 gms. of protein in the 8 oz. serving and 310 calories and 23 gms. of protein in the 12 oz. cup. Now, bear in mind, I'm sure Wendy's does not use the leanest beef. But at least this may give you an idea of the calorie and protein content of chili. Also, for those who make their own chili, or those who can't tolerate beef, ground turkey is a great substitute for ground beef. Either way, chili has become a real favorite for me, especially during the winter. Enjoy!
   — Leslie F.

December 16, 2000
I am just 18 days post op and I am wondering if, when the time comes I can eat these things, is the gas really bad? Does it make your stomach hurt? Thanks!
   — Marilyn C.

December 16, 2000
In response to the gas and stomach pain. I'm not a beef fan and basically cannot eat most meats at this time. However, I ate beans for the first time in several months last night. I grew up in a home where we ate beans, beans and more beans(LOL)-all types. This will be one of my main protein sources. Gas, yes. Pain, no. But not more gas than usual.
   — Jan M.

December 17, 2000
Cool info Barb...thanks. I do not have gas probs with the beans in chili. I make chili often and it is a great source of protein for me and a good dinner/ take to work type meal. My little guy loves it to. The beans get him so I remove his..LOL There are some great recipies on the web also. I just typed in the word chili and searched. Going to take my first stab at white chili Christmas. I will let you all know how it turns out :) Protein in one serving was about 34 grams.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

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