Low metabolism is a serious problem for me.

My doctor told me that, in having the RNY, it would "normalize" my metabolism. He specifically mentioned that it was the joining of the stomach to a lower part of the intestine that causes this to happen. This doesn't make any sense to me and I wanted to know if anybody else heard of this aspect of the surgery and/or if they've actually experience an increase in metabolism as a result of the surgery.    — Nancy Z. (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
Hi, I have a very slow matabolism. It is my understanding that because the food will only move through the large intestine and bypass the small intestine that my body will process food more quickly and therefore "speed-up" my metabolism - the food won't sit for as long. My surgeon explained that this in conjunction with the ability to do more excercise will greatly increase my metabolism.
   — Julie M.

July 24, 2001
Okay...this is strange. I'm one year out and this is the first I have heard of a speeded up metabolism. My surgeon never mentioned it. I have always had a very slow fact, I averaged 10 pounds a month loss after wls. Are you guys sure about this? I'll start celebrating if it's for real.....
   — Anne G.

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