I'm having trouble eating during the week before and during my period.

This is only my third cycle since surgery, but I've noticed that the week before and during my period I have trouble eating and keeping food down. I eat the same things as other times but notice that many things (especially the starches and dairy products) don't agree with me and I end up having to vomit. So, I tend to try not to eat in order to avoid getting sick and instead try to drink more fluids. I've also noticed feeling really lethargic and sometimes my head feels spacey. It's hard to tell if this is due to the surgery, the anti-depressents I take, or simply from having my period. Has anyone else experienced these problems? Also, does anyone know if it's okay to take ibuprofen for pain after having surgery?    — Andrea H. (posted on February 18, 2001)

February 18, 2001
Andrea, I had the same problem, but I "outgrew" it. I am not sure when it changed, but I am 13 months out, down 130+ pounds and I want to eat everything the week before my period!! I treat myself to sugar free fudgesicles, and extra protein shakes to get through it, but at first I was worried I ate to much. I haven't gained, and still continue to lose (even if it is only 3 pounds), so I guess for me, this is normal. Give yourself some time and be flexible- hopefully it will get better. Good Luck!
   — M B.

February 18, 2001
All surgeons are different. My surgeon allows us to take ibuprofen. The only thing we are "forbidden" is aspirin. In fact, when I got home from the hospital I stopped my prescription pain med and took 600 mg of ibuprofen for a couple of days without any problem. As I stated before, all surgeons are different so check with yours. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 19, 2001
Andrea ... and I thought I was the only one! I'm ten months out from an open VBG, down 125#, and the week/ten days before my period are absolutely awful. I can't keep much down other than liquidy stuff (soup, yogurt, pureed stuff, etc.) and, of all things, cheese. Meat's a dead loss, literally and figuratively. Basically, I've learned to live with it, and adjust my food plan accordingly. The "spacey head" stuff could be a problem with your middle ear (I had a heck of a time with it for about six months after my surgery). My PCP explained it this way: As you lose weight rapidly, your balance becomes affected and can give you a spacey, dizzy feeling because your estucian (wrong spelling, I'm very sure) tubes (that lead from your ear to the back of the throat) are kinda flopping around in your head. Eventually they stabilize -- I've had no problem for the last four or five months. It could also be your period; I often felt lethargic and yucky pre-op, and still feel that way post-op. Has your doctor adjusted your antidepressant dosage since you started losing weight? If not, it might be something to look at. I'm now at 1/3 the dosage I was at pre-op, and my psychiatrist and I are looking at phasing it out entirely. I've been ill with the flu for the last three or four days and haven't taken it at all, with no noticeable effects. It might be something to check out with your doctor. Good luck and skinny thoughts always,
   — Cheryl Denomy

February 20, 2001
9.5 months post-op, ovulation and menstruation are the worst times for me as far as cravings. I use ultram for pain. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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