Having multiple procedures done at the same time

I am exploring the option of having a partial hysterectomy and a gastric bypass procedure at the same time. I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss this. Has anyone had more than one major procedure performed at the same time. I can be reached at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your response!! :) Tonya    — ellton (posted on January 2, 2001)

January 3, 2001
Tonja: My friend had a similar thing done. You can look up her profile and email her -- she's Sue in Bismarck, ND on this site. Also, my surgeon routinely does multiple surgeries. For example, I had gastric bypass, a vagotomy, appendix removed, and an incisional hernia re-repaired. This time, my surgeon was able to fix some nerve damage that I thought I'd have for life! This man is truly remarkable as a surgeon! I know he will also tie your tubes. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

March 31, 2001
my surgeon also does tubal reversal, i have not found out the additional cost, or if he will charge. ususually they remove the gull bladder during the open rny, mine is gone already, so iam going to ask for this so i can have one more baby in 2 yrs.
   — Heidi H.

December 27, 2002
I am a pre op, age 30 5'5 488# and having the ds/bpd done in Feb by Dr Henry Buchwald in Mpls. MN. He will also be doing the following during that same surgery. 1) removing a gall stone in my common duct (been there since gall bladder removal in 95) 2) fixing a big umbilical hernia 3) removing my appendex 4) doing a livery biopsy as he does this to all his wls patients. Good luck Lisa
   — Lisa Jean

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