Has anyone who has narcolepsy had this surgery?

I have had to increase my meds to try and stay awake during the day. I am so Tired of being TIRED all the time. Did the surgery and the weight lose help with the narcolepsy?    — R Linda S. (posted on October 3, 1999)

October 3, 1999
my girlfriend in texas has it and had the fobi pouch done. and she's doing great. her email is [email protected] she's asleep right now but she would help you. Smoochie that's my nickname she gave me.
   — linda R.

October 4, 1999
I am trying to get the surgery scheduled. I have narcolepsy and fibromyalgia and alpha/delta sleep disorder. I've been hoping that the surgery helps. I have been exhausted and sick all summer. Since I had put back on about 15 pounds since my last sleep study, my doctor felt my mild apnea had gotten worse and scheduled another sleep study. Although I snored loudly enough to make the patient in the next room complain, my apnea was not worse. The doctor did find PLMD, related to "restless legs" while awake. I'm now on a medication to control it and my energy level has shot through the roof the last two weeks. I'm glad since I'm trying to get things in order so I can relax after the surgery. Don't assume that it is the narcolepsy that is making you so tired. Has your tired pattern changed, for example, making you more difficult to wake up in the morning, or medication suddenly not helping with sleep attacks? Definitely talk to your doctor to rule out anything else that could be going on. I think the surgery will definitely help me; but it is a good idea to make sure any other underlying issues are resolved before surgery so you can heal faster.
   — Joyce L.

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