I've already made a Dr.'s appointment, but I was wondering if anyone could relate.

I've already made a Dr.'s appointment for 6/7/04, but I was wondering if anyone could relate or possibly give me any advice in the meantime. For the past 2&1/2 weeks, I have been experiencing a burning, itching pain that travels from my right breast nipple to just underneath my armpit, and the only way I can stop it is to squeeze or pinch my nipple, but even when I do that, it travels back to my armpit. It's constant now. I've done my own exams of course, was taught that as soon as I developed breasts and nothing abnormal or any lumps otherwise. At first it was bearable and periodic and would come and go, but now it just stays. I have lost 210 lbs since surgery, I have gone from a 48DDD to a 42C since WLS, so I thought that maybe it was because my breasts were shrinking, but it just started now, out of the blue! It's past the point of ignoring or just brushing it off as pre or post menstral pain tenderness, this is an entirely different sensation and it's freaking me out. I am 23 months post-op(July 26th will be my 2 year anniversary), 32 years old & I've never had a mamogram (shame on me), but I've been so scared of what I may find out, reasons being; cancer has terrorized my entire family. My mother, my grandmother, and 2 of my aunts are all breast cancer survivors; my mother & grandmother have both had mastectomies. My sister also had cancerous tumors that burst her ovarian tube, so she had to have surgery to get her tube removed. My father also died from cancer (lymphoma) so I've got plenty to worry about, but I could just be over-paranoid because of my family health history. Any suggestions, advice, or encouragement would help calm my nerves. Thanks in advance guys. Happy losing! Rochelle    — mzunderstood702 (posted on June 2, 2004)

June 2, 2004
Rochelle, I am sorry I do not have any advice that you are not already doing. I just wanted to wish you luck for when you see the doctor and I hope it is not anything serious. Also congratulations on such a wonderfull loss!
   — Tricia S.

June 2, 2004
Congrats on the weight loss! You have done an awwesome job. Now, after this lifestyle change you must not gamble with your life with Cancer. Espically, since you have a family history of members having it. Please have this checked out and do get a mamogram. I would want to know and have time to deal with it, rather not know and die from it. It could be nothing.... But, if it is you need to know. I'm sending you positive thoughts and prayers. Please make an appointment and have this checked out. (((HUGS)))
   — Hazel S.

June 2, 2004
Not to be negative, but are you nuts? Get to the DR ASAP. Cancer isn't something to mess with, as you know from your family history! The sooner you see the Doctor the sooner you can stop worrying and do something about whatever it may be. Congratulations on your weight loss and I sincerely hope that you find out you have a pinched nerve or something! :)
   — Julesbird

June 3, 2004
Rochelle, there is no question what you have to do here. You have to get in to see your doctor immediately. When you call the appointment desk, make sure you tell her what the problem is and your family history. Don't let her put you off for a few weeks....get in ASAP. I was experiencing severe shortness of breath a few weeks ago. I wanted to ignore it too, but went in anyway. I ended up in the hospital for 7 days with pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. Don't be timid. You are your best health advocate. Call today! Best wishes on a positive outcome.
   — Marsha S.

June 3, 2004
Hi Rochelle, I completely understand your situation. Every single woman in my family died from complications of breast cancer before the age of 60 except one and even she had breast cancer but survived to be in her 80's. 9 WOMEN!! I wasn't suprised when I had a mammogram post op and it turned up suspicious. I had double mastectomy when I was 19 months post op. Just let me assure you that your breasts do not define who you are as a woman. I know it sounds crazy but having had the mastectomies is just not that big of a deal to me. I almost wear it like a badge! I WILL be the one who lives past 60 in my family!! Of course, cancer usually isn't painful so this could be something easily corrected so we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Are you supplementing B-12? Your symptoms sound a bit like neuropathy but I've never heard of it presenting in the breast but I guess it could happen. It could also be hormone related. Don't worry yourself unnecessarily but do like the previous posters have said and get thee to the doc in a hurry. It will ease your mind. Cancer is rampant in my family and I thank God every day for WLS because I probably wouldn't have had a mammogram if I were still morbidly obese. Hang in there, think good thoughts and if you need someone to talk to .........I'm here.
   — ronascott

June 3, 2004
Rochelle, I completely agree with the other posters. You have done wonderfully. You don't want to take a chance on cutting your life short by ignoring a possible problem after going thru all this to make you healthy enough to live a long life. Good luck and God bless. Keep us posted. Linda((()))
   — lharbison

June 3, 2004
You need to get to the Dr. because of your family history do not put it off. Fear can kill you!!!!!
   — Lori T.

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