Any post op having trouble with bruising and tiredness?

I have had a lot of blood work done and no abnormalities other than a one time only elevation of my liver enzymes. I am sooooo tired I feel like I am going to drop. I have been exercising 3 times a week at Curves and getting my protein in. I still don't feel like I think I should feel at almost 6 months post op and 87 pounds down. I'm tired of being tired! Anyone else had this problem and got it resolved?    — PVail (posted on May 12, 2004)

May 12, 2004
When you say no abnormalities, is that what you doctor said, or have you seen your own bloodwork? What are your iron numbers, ferritin? I'll bet they're bottoming out, but if it hasn't hit that "below normal" range yet, doctors just see it as just "fine." Well, it's not. Do you get copies of your labs yourself, so you can check for trends? Check your iron & ferritin levels, they're often the first thing to go.
   — Leslie F.

May 12, 2004
I too am exhausted most of the time. My labs consistently come back smack dab in the middle of the normal range. None of them has dropped perceptibly. I get a B-12 injection once a month, take my vitamins, supplement protein, etc. I do notice that if I drink more water I feel better, but am still tired. Yesterday I got home from work at 5:30 PM and laid across the bed "just for a few minutes". I woke up at 1:30 AM this morning, just in time to get under the covers and go back to sleep. Still woke feeling done in. I was tired before surgery, but from carrying all the weight around. I just drink more water, go to bed earlier, and hope for the best. I would still shove somebody else off the table if it had to be me or them getting surgery. LOL
   — Chris S.

May 12, 2004
are you getting b-12 injections? that helped my energy for sure. I also found that taking extra vitamin C helped with my bruising. Hope that helps.
   — Morna B.

May 12, 2004
I would echo Leslie's suggestion, and get copies of your labs. Search for trends. Doctors too often just look at the lastest test, see that you're in the "normal" range (which can be huge, by the way -- and some of us feel better in some parts of that normal range than in others), and just tell you you're fine. They often don't compare your lab results to the last tests, thereby missing the fact that you are, as Leslie says, "bottoming out."<P>In my case, it was a B-12 problem that explained fatigue at about your stage. I didn't have a prior B-12 lab test (! they forgot to test for it pre-op) but my most recent test put me in the low-normal range. I increased my B-12 supps., and now after playing within the range of normal for B-12, I now know what number I feel best at, and it's not the "low-normal" number at all -- it's way in the middle of what's concerned normal. Anything below that is too low for *me*, normal or not.
   — Suzy C.

May 12, 2004
no answer for you, just a comment. I'm almost 6 months out, very active, all labs have been EXCELLENT, but I am DOG TIRED come my weekend days, also. I'll get a nap in on BOTH days. (I work out @ curves not less than 3 days /week)
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 12, 2004
I have looked at my labs. My PCP said that my B-12 was within normal but low normal. He said I could take my B-12 injections once a week for a month. Nothing has really touched it yet. I am just sick and tired of being tired. Thank you all for your responses.
   — PVail

May 12, 2004
I have been dog tired to and am 6 months post-op. My labs were excellant per my surgeon, but he questioned me as to how much I was drinking. He told me that dehydration will make you feel very tired, which I have been not drinking as much as I did prior to surgery because it causes me to have to much reflux and nausea. When I added up how much I drank in 1 day it was only 700 cc's or about 23 ounces in 24 hours. My surgeon said to try to increase my fluids to 1000cc's or 30 ozs. and see if that makes a difference in my energy level. I am eating more SF jello and popsicles just to avoid the reflux and nausea I get from water or thin liquids.
   — CATHY B.

May 12, 2004
I'm 2 1/2 years post-op and I'm always tired. I also bruise easily, but then again, I've bruised easily since I was a baby. Blood tests always come back fine, but I need at LEAST 8 hours of sleep a night otherwise I feel sluggish all day.
   — Patty H.

May 13, 2004
I agree with the person who suggested you find out what your numbers where on your blood work results. I started having anemic symptoms while my iron level was on the low end of normal. Some doctors could have just said, it's in the range, so it's normal, but with my symptons (tired/no energy) and that is was on the low side of normal my surgeon had me start taking over the counter iron supplements 2 times a day and within a week or 2 I felt dramatically better. <br><br>Also, if you get no help from one doctor and you really feel like something is not getting resolved, go to another doctor, it never hurts to get a second opinion.
   — Patricia T.

May 13, 2004
Just a suggestion or question? I tried 3 different brands of sublinguals on the B-12, and could not tell one bit of difference. I haven't had the surgery yet, but am trying different things to have it all ready to go when I do. I bought some liquid B-12 from GNC, and I could tell the difference in the 1st day! Wish I would have been taking B-12 years ago. And keep in mind that everybody's body is different. What may work for someone may not work for another one. I just am glad I found this, and that it works. I hate shots! :) Hope this helps.......
   — Candy M.

May 14, 2004
OK I have an answer that may help all of you who are having trouble with bruising and tiredness.Number One,CHEWABLE CHILDRENS VITAMINS.BUYING LIGUID B12 AT GNC IS OK IF YOU WANT TO GO THAT ROUTE,BUT WHY???IF YOU TAKE 2 CHEWABLE CHILDRENS VITAMINS TWICE A DAY YOU MAY SEE A BIG DIFFERENCE. THIS COMES FROM A VERY GOOD SOURCE.MY BARIACTRIC SURGEON AT UNIVERSITY HOSPITOL AT U.S.C. IN LOS ANGELES,CA.HE IS NOT ONLY MY SURGEON BUT IS ALSO CHIEF OF BARIACTRIC SURGERY.CHILDRENS VITAMINS CONTAIN MORE THAN ADULT VITAMINS.SO GO TO WALMART GET THE CHEWABLE KIND AND ENJOY. Number 2*** Try Vitamin E for Bruising.Just snip of the end of capsule and take in the liquid.Or just chew it until it breaks down. Hope this helps,like someone said,not everyone is the same,but we all need nourishment. Be Good To Yourselves God Bless
   — KatinPBCA

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