Why are my legs so swollen after my tummy tuck???

I had my tummy tuck on Dec. 18. Today, I decided to put on a pair of jeans just to see how they fit so far. Thus far I have been wearing sweats and leisure pants. Anyway I almost went into cardiac arrest when my jeans wouldn't even go past my calves! These are jeans that I wore the day before my surgery! I expected my torso to be swollen and even the tops of my legs since the skin there was pulled up a bit. But why would my entire legs be swollen? I'm hoping they're just swollen and I haven't experienced some freakish weight gain. Has anyone else expereinced this and how long did the swelling in your legs last? Thanks in advance!    — R. P. (posted on December 27, 2003)

December 27, 2003
Hi Rea, Yeah - it took almost 3 months for all of the swelling to go down for me. I had a huge surgery tho - hernia repair/abdominoplasty - 20 inch horizontal incision with intersection 18-inch vertical incision. I was really floored at how long it took me. My plastic surgeon said to drink lots of water - it would help the swelling to go down sooner. That, and to make sure I got out and walked. I was doing a mile within a week of surgery. So move and drink! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

December 27, 2003
I had a full tt and breast lift 8 months ago. I also had swelling in my legs. When sitting or lying down i would keep my legs elivated. It helped at bit. I don't recall how long it took for it to go away but hang in there it does. Make sure your getting in your water :) kristi ky
   — tinalivesay

December 29, 2003
The same thing happened to me and believe me I stressed over it! It is just fluid and it will go down. My doctor explained the fluid travels downward. My ankles were swollen like balloons!
   — Lisa N M.

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