Calcium and Multivitamins...What kind?

Pacific Baratrics in San Diego gives a list of vitamins to take post op. Are Flintstone chewables acceptable? Also what kind of Calcium with Magnesium and Zinc would be good to have on hand to begin taking at 3 months post-op?    — Sjsmith (posted on November 17, 2003)

November 17, 2003
I am 3 months post-op, and while I was in the hospital right after surgery I was given flintstone chewables, but they were way to sweet tasting for me. When I got home I started taking the Centrum Adult Chewables, they have the 100% daily iron and folic acid we need daily. I am still taking them and had a recent blood test and every thing was normal. The only thing that I have done different from my doctors directions is the calcium. He suggested we take two tums with calcium, I took Calcium Caltrate,which are chewable, and the doctor was okay with that, but I have found out from many that the calcium carbonate does not asorb completely in out new system, so I now take the Calcium Citrate with Vitiam D,in a chewable wafer. Also, I take a sub-lingual B-12, B-6 and folic acid complex that goes under your tongue daily. The shots are the best to get enough into our systems, but the sub-lingual do just fine.
   — cindy

November 17, 2003
Chewable is best for you right now. Take what your nutritionist recomends. You notice I didn't say surgeon. Our surgeons will give us excellent care,but they are not always up to date on the the nutrional requirements. For example, mine recomended Tums as a calcium source, was trying to recomend a low cost alternative. Tums is calcium carbonate, whuch needs the stomach acid to be digested and absorbed. For RNY, this will not work! As time goes on, your supplement needs may change as your blood workup will show. I'm 2 1/2 years out and I take 2 multi-vitamins, 3 iron, 2 Vit/C and 4 calcium citrate w/vitD. Of course not all at once--spread out over the day. My blood work-ups are great and I feel great. Good Luck
   — bek4901

November 17, 2003
I'm 21 mo post-op and still have my 2 Flintstones chewables a day. Its nice to have a break from all the pills. Why are you waiting for 3 mo post-op to start calcium? Didn't catch that part...but at 3 mo post, you will be able to swallow capsules. I take the calcium citrate with mag and D-Natures Science-that i order from Whatever kind you take, make sure it is calcium CITRATE and not carbonate (the chewy kind or tums).
   — Cindy R.

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