Does anyone drink diet coke? Any sugg. on some good drinks other than water?

I know nutritionally it's not good to fill the pouch with diet soda's, but I am CRAVING my diet coke so much. I'm only 12 days post-op and would like to have a little diet coke once in awhile. I tried some Crystal light pink lemonade and that was too sweet, so I diluted. Still, I want the "cola" flavor. Help!!!    — Angela Q. (posted on September 20, 2003)

September 20, 2003
I drank diet pop, but I did shake it up to get rid of the fizz. I stopped doing that around 3mo. Now I limit my intake on the pop, but I have at least 1 glass a day and then I drink ice tea, straw/kiwi crystal light and flavored waters. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

September 20, 2003
I was a die-hard Diet Coke fanatic pre-op. I tried it when I was about 3 weeks post-op and couldn't get enough co2 out of it to keep it from giving me so much gas pain. Now I've tasted it occasionally, but I think I've lost my taste for it. To me it tastes awful now.
   — Cathy S.

September 20, 2003
I loved my diet coke too! I found that pop would actually increase my hunger for food. I have grown to love Snapple Diet Peach Tea, or Diet Rasberry Tea. Of course we all know water is best...huh? Hope this helps.
   — Kristee

September 20, 2003
My surgeon says not to even think about discussing soda w/ him until I'm 6 mos Post. I drink mostly water and tea.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2003
I don't think anyone could be more of a Diet Pepsi addict than I was. I was worried I'd not be able to quit, drank right up until 2 days pre-op. In my first week home, I had my friend bring me a 2-liter of the caffeine free diet pepsi. I opened it up and left on the counter for a day so ALL of the bubbles were gone. Put back in the fridge. It tasted the same - exactly the same. Only post-op, that was too sweet for me. I now only drink water, herbal mint tea and Propel Fitness Water. The Propel is good, though a big pricey. Once you break the cycle for long enough, I think you will find you don't want the pop any longer. I tried to taste a regular fizzy diet pepsi the other day and the second it hit my tongue, I grossed out. It didn't even taste like food to me. I've quit for good! You can do it too! Good luck!
   — Donya P.

September 20, 2003
Ok...I know, I know...water is the best thing to drink, but just because I had this surgery, doesn't mean I need to give up the things I LOVE, does it. Moderation is the key and I am a diet Pepsi Addict. I just wanted to say, that 7-11 has come up with, in my opinion, the greatest invention on earth...The Diet Pepsi and Crystal Lite slurpee!!! The Diet Pepsi is a very good alternative to the can as all the ice cuts down the carbonation. I do however, find the Crystal Lite slurpee a bit speet, depending on the flavor.
   — moodymich

September 20, 2003
I can't stand soda anymore--it used to be the first thing I drank in the morning. I have found crystal lite decaffinated ice tea to be a good drink.
   — barbara A.

September 20, 2003
I can't stand soda anymore--it used to be the first thing I drank in the morning. I have found crystal lite decaffinated ice tea to be a good drink.
   — barbara A.

September 20, 2003
I haven't tried any commercial pop since surgery, but I have made some homemade Italian sodas (seltzer water with s/f syrup). Even though I get most of the bubbles out of the seltzer water, the gas still bothers my pouch sometimes--I feel very bloated and uncomfortable. So, be careful of the bubbles. Someone else on this site also recently mentioned a study that said that people who drink pop (even diet) after surgery had a greater tendency to regain weight. I'm sorry that I don't know any more about that study, or how to point you to it, but that basic bit of information is enough to keep me away. If you have to have that cola flavor, buy s/f cola syrup and mix into nearly flat seltzer water, or over a bit of s/f ice cream as a once-in-awhile treat. As for other things to drink, I, too, found Crystal Light to be very sweet tasting as an early post-op (love it now), so I would mix either lemon or lime juice into ice water. That made it much tastier than plain water. You might also add some Equal or Splenda if it's too sour tasting. I also drank a lot of caffeine-free iced tea early on. My tastes broadened out over time; perhaps yours will, too.
   — Vespa R.

September 20, 2003
hi there..thought id tell ya what i that soon..when i was just dying for a drink of soda..i took a sip..swished it around(to get the flavor) then spit it gross..but it worked for me.. im 10+ months out now..and occasionally i have a sip..but anymore than that and im sick.. other things i drink, are soy milk(try to get the no sugar added or sugar free, but i occasionally drink the sugar added).. decaf coffee, decaff unsweet tea, there are sooo many herbal teas that are yummy..some i drink unsweet..some i add a packet of fake sweetner.. the grocery store carries many.. barnes and nobles here has a star bucks that carries some great ones(ginger peach is a fav).. and i buy some herbs at the health food store and mix them to get flavors i like..(like mix peppermint, spearmint, camomile, and a bit of black tea.. very relaxing).. also.. you could do coolaid and sweeten it by the your desired sweetness, protien drinks..with flavored syrups.. no sugar added hot cocoa.. sobe lean.. and there are a few light/diet fruit drinks out there.. also there are some coolaid type protien drinks that some like.. ( get them at gnc ..places like that)..hope this helps ya some ..feel free to email me..huggles n bb..
   — johanna F.

September 21, 2003
Crystal Light and flavored waters are good. The flavored water that I like the best is called Fruit2o. Walmart and Kroger sell them. I still do have a diet pop once in a while, but there is something I do to it to cut down on the carbonation. Another poster invented this (Dan Lafler). What you do is pour the pop over ice, then sprinkle some Splenda in it and give it a little stir. It makes it taste more like a regular pop plus it flattens it so it wont cause any discomfort in your pouch. If you dont have any Splenda I find that Equal works just as well. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

September 22, 2003
I've been drinking diet coke since week 9 post-op. I'm 22 months post-op and drink nothing but diet coke and have been for 20 months. I haven't gained any weight and I lost all of my weight in 10 months. It hasn't hurt me in the slightest.
   — Patty H.

September 23, 2003
I tried a couple sips of Diet Coke ... didn't sit well with me ... if carbonation bothers you but you still want the cola "taste", try pouring some into popsicle molds and freezing it ... it should eliminate all/most of the carbonation, but you'll still have the "taste" ... Good luck!
   — Karyn B

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