Hystorectomy with excess skin removal

I just found out that I have a fibroid tumor on my unterus. My gyno said that he would remove some of the excess skin while doing the hystorectomy. I was denied by my insurance for a tummy tuck, so I'm thinking I don't have much to lose. Has anyone ever heard of this? Also, if he does remove some skin and it still looks bad, will I still be able to have a tummy tuck later if I decide to?    — Tracy S. (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 26, 2003
I can only partially answer your question. I had a hysterectomy performed (fibroids too) and a plastic surgeon performed the tummy tuck. I paid for the plastic surgery and my insurance paid for the hysterectomy. You could bounce a quarter off my stomach. :0) It was worth every penny. Good luck.
   — sheron H.

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