WOW!!! I am soooooo impressed

My surgeon's nurse informed me about a wonderful new protein bar that was discovered at the last support meeting. It is called Detour and is made by Designer Whey. Some independently owned GNC's carry them (I got mine from Planet Smoothie in Raleigh, NC) but you can also order them off line) They are approved by our nutritionist even though they are high on the calorie side. (should be fine, one bar for two servings). I cannot say how excited I am to have these Detour bars!! I couldnt handle the shakes. Just wanted everyone to know so that maybe someone else can benefit if they also have trouble with protein!!! ps... they have nuts in them so you should be at least six weeks post op and cleared for solids before you try it. :-)    — Pizofret (posted on February 9, 2003)

February 9, 2003
Just wanted to let you know that if you have a Target near you, they also carry them there, and much cheaper! I can't wait till I can try them!!
   — kmoran02

February 9, 2003
Hi, not to put a damper on your excitement...but I checked the website and wrapper and was told thaat they have a coating on them that have to be dissolved by gastric juices to release the protien. It is written in small print on the advertisement in magazines. So my understanding is that you would only get a very very small portion of the protien in them. Maybe someone like Michelle Curran can help with whether this is true or not.
   — Pam W.

February 9, 2003
Pam - and where did you find this information on the website and the wrapper??? I've got a wrapper right in front of me and am looking at the website and can find so such information...JR
   — John Rushton

February 9, 2003
Having WLS doesn't mean that we never use gastric juices only that the gastric juices are added much farther down in the digestion process and are added to the food at the "Y" in gastric bypass patients. <p> Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

February 9, 2003
John-I just wrote an e-mail to the customer service people at Next Protein asking them to remark on Pam's statement. Whey is typically absorbed in the small intestines anyhow...JR
   — John Rushton

February 9, 2003
I just bought one tonight at Target - can't wait to try it! It was $3.99 at my Target though - cheaper to get them online!
   — jen41766

February 9, 2003
Oops - I meant $2.99. Still way expensive!
   — jen41766

February 9, 2003
I bought a whole box of them at GNC. Love them!!! I would be very interested to see what is found out from e-mailing the company. **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 9, 2003
Hi Lisa, I LOVE these!They are a little high in calories (290cal) but I use them as a meal. I have gotten them online for $21.99 +$4.90 shipping for a box of 12 from DPS nutrtion. I wish they would come out with some with peanut butter in them. They sure do cure the sweet tooth. I try not to eat them everyday cause they can be addicting. Take Care, Toni...01/10/02 -199lbs (and still losing).
   — toni D.

February 9, 2003
Pam W---you saved me a WHOLE lot of typing. I also thought I died & went to heaven when I found these. But I never have counted food protein toward my totals. Bars are slightly less useful than food even. But I HAVE used a partial bar for one of my 4 meals. They're not BAD, of course, just not protein to me. Thanks for using their own statements to rest our case.
   — vitalady

February 10, 2003
   — Karen W.

February 10, 2003
I have not received a reply from the e-mail yet, so I called the 1-800-DESIGNER number on the wrapper. I talked to one of the customer service people at Next Proteins - who was a) very knowledgeable and b) has worked with bariatric patients before. She said that there is nothing in the Detour Bars that is dependent on stomach acid to dissolve any coatings or such. She said that the designer whey protein basically bypasses the stomach and is absorbed by the small intestines. There is time-release in the GlycerLEAN whey that is part of the bar, but she said that these are larger molecules that take longer to be absorbed through the small intestine. I asked her straightforward is there anything in this bar that would cause non-absorption of the bulk of the protein by a RNY gastric bypass patient and she said no. The whey is the same Designer Whey that is in their protein powders and in their Protein Blast drinks. <p> She said that she's behind on answering her e-mails, but will keep an eye out for mine and respond to it in writing. When I get it, I will post it here. As far as I am concerned, we can breathe a bit easier and enjoy the Detour Bars...JR
   — John Rushton

February 19, 2003
Finally got the reply from Next Proteins: <p> Hi John,<br> Thank you I am glad you are enjoying our Detour bars. You can find us at <p> Not true [the assertion that we cannot absorb but a fraction of the protein in a Detour Bar...JR]. Designer Whey is "designed" to by pass your stomach and get into your blood stream immediately. It has a special formula, thus the name Designer. You receive all the protein that states on the nutritional label. This is long acting protein, so it is comprised of both small and larger weight molecular peptides. The larger ones take longer to digest. And yes, it all takes place in the intestines. Designer Whey is a Full Spectrum, so you get all the health benefits of whey, and your body will use an absorb the full 32 grams of whey protein. Remember, we have been doing this for over 10 years. We were the first company to manufacture whey protein, so we are very much on the cutting edge of technology and all our profits goes to research and development of new products. I hope this helps John. Wishing you all the best. <br> Best Regards,<br> Janet Bryant<br> Sales/Customer Service
   — John Rushton

February 19, 2003
First of all, I'm a BIG fan of Next Protein. They used to make this protein drink called AbsBerry Smoothie that I absolutely was bonkers over but they discontinued it because it cost too much to make. They still have AbsBerry as a flavor in their GlycerLean line. However, I was told that since GlycerLean is a "time released" protein, to avoid it as a bypass patient (even though I would love to know if the AbsBerry flavor in GlycerLean is the same as the old Smoothie I can't afford to just buy a tub of it if it's not going to work for me). Now I am a HUGE fan of Detour bars and I noticed that it says "GlycerLean" on their wrapper. I thought "Uh oh" can I really have this? Then I read John's posted reply from Next proteins about the absorption but I still have questions: If the Glycerlean is merely "large molecules" that take longer to digest isn't that the same as "time released"? and if so, can we still have it and if not, does that mean we can have the GlycerLean protein powder????????? I'm sooooooooooooo confused.
   — susanje

February 19, 2003
Susan, I was told over the phone that the GlycerLean whey has larger molecules that take longer to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine due to their size. That is the only "time-release" part of the feature - nothing that has a coating to break down as with time release medicines. The person that I spoke to has worked with bariatric surgery patients before so she is familiar with the limitations of our new innards...JR
   — John Rushton

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