Has anyone had a cold before surgery? did it effect it?

My surgery is schedule 9/25, everyone I work with has a cold and I am affraid of catching it. I dont want my lungs to yucky prior to surgery. I am affraid of embolisms (did I spell that right)? Anyway, just being a little paranoid so I thought I would see what your thougths are. Thanks bunches!!    — Debbie W. (posted on September 3, 2002)

September 3, 2002
I understand your worry. I had a slight cold that lingered as a residual dry cough before I hd surgery. I met with the anesthesiologist the day before my surgery and she asked me some detailed questions and checked my lung sounds. It was rough having a cough after surgery though, but I survived it with the help of my codein based pain med which doubled as a cough suppressant. Just be straight and honest with your surgeon and his team and they will make the best decisions for you. Best of luck to you.
   — SARose61

September 3, 2002
Hi, I had a cold come on about 4 days prior to surgery. I did Zicam, which is a zinc nasal spray, and vitamin C, and cold remedies, and took it easy to try to get better. I did call on the Friday before my surgery (surgery on Monday) and told their head nurse about my situation. She said she'd tell the doctor and that they'd make an assessment the day of surgery. So I went in, got prepped for surgery, no fever, drippy nose so was given the OK. YAY! As the previous poster said, just be honest and see what happens. If I had been really sick, or had had a fever, I don't think I would have had surgery. Do what you can, take care of yourself, and do what's right for you. Good luck!
   — Sarah C.

September 3, 2002
I ended up with bronchitus (sp?) 1 week before surgery, and it had to be postponed a week. I had the surgery, but was not completely recovered, and I paid for it. I had breathing problems while in the hospital. I got out of it, but it was no picnic. So please be careful!
   — Kurt B.

September 3, 2002
I felt a cold coming on about 2 weeks before my surgery, and I went to the store and bought huge quantities of vitamin C. I took three tablets a day. I don't know if it helped...but I do know that the cold never became full blown. By the time my surgery came around, I had no hint of one. Try to stay away from those that ARE sick and wash your hands A LOT! IF you have to use the same telephone, wipe it off with an alcohol pad. You can also buy that instant hand santizer and use it while you are at work every hour or so. It will dry your hands out a little...but it may also keep unwanted germs away. If you do get sure to tell your doctor! Don't try to hide it no matter what...especially if it is in your chest. That could really compromise your surgery and put you at risk. Good Luck!
   — Shawnie S.

September 3, 2002
I had a cold and went in for surgery, the doctor gave me thera-flu, If I would have the chance to do it again, I probally would have waited and gotten over the cold. I coughed and coughed and it HURT! Actually that was the worst part of the whole surgery. I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!

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