Immediately following gall bladder removal I began having

sudden attacks of pain in stomach. They would start out very dull and grow with intensity, sometimes causing me to break out in a clammy sweat or make my breathing rapid. I took nexium and antacids to humor my former doc who wouldnt take my word for it that it was not heartburn. they didnt work. I also began gaining large amounts of weight 40lbs in 2 months (gall bladder post op) and about 70 lbs total since the surgery.There is no provocation. It happens on an empty or full stomach..sometimes i have only 1 in a week or 5 in one day. Lately, it is excrutiating. They only last about 1-10 minutes.Also, lately, it has moved upward and into my back. I can feel it where the pancreas would be (in the back) and in the front where the stomach is. my ins got cancld for the next two months so i will miss my cat scan. ANY ADVICE?    — nicole P. (posted on August 8, 2002)

August 8, 2002
Sounds alittle like my problem... but mine, I thought, was an extremely bad badache that I would almost pass out from. My doctor (not surgeon) thought it was ether kidney stones or an infection. (My gallbladder was full of stones at 10 months post op). I've been on anti biotics and they seem to be helping. So I'm hoping it isn't stones. Anyway, this may be one possibilty... your kidneys that is.
   — Danmark

August 9, 2002
Sorry. I meant to type "backache".
   — Danmark

August 9, 2002
You poor thing! I can totally relate, because I've been suffering with back and abdominal pain since the end of April. I would say it could be your kidneys or pancreatitis Have you already had your WLS? If you have, I wonder why you are gaining weight so quickly? I'm so sorry to hear of your complications, and I hope you find the answer soon. God bless!
   — Christine L.

August 11, 2002
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago. After surgery I had severe pains as you describe. After many tests they determined that my bile duct was closing shut and not allowing the bile to move through. They did a procedure called an ERCP where they do an endoscopic procedure and enlarge the bile duct so it will not go shut.
   — tulagirl

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