Does anybody suffer from migraines?

For the past month I have been having migraines. I've had them before, but they are so much worse now. On a bad day, I will get 3 or 4. I have taken Maxalt, but I would rather figure out what is wrong and fix it. My PCP said I need to eat more carbs and he doesn't think I'm getting enough nutrition. On a few occasions, I have gone partially blind in one eye. Help!    — Lisa L. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
Have you tried upping your iron? I had horrible "sick" headaches for a week and then realized that I had switched my vitamins to a brand with no iron. The day after I started taking an iron supplement, they went away. Just make sure they are not time release if you have an RNY. If you fall below 800 calories a day consistently you will probably feel crappy. Also, make sure you are getting your protein to keep your energy up. Some carbs are necessary, so remember it's not a "sin" to eat whole grain stuff and fruit. Hope this helps and happy losing!
   — ctyst

June 3, 2002
I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing headaches. I am a bit concerned because of your last sentence. You said you are having visual disturbances. Has your doctor checked you for Pseudotumor cerebri? It is a rather rare comorbidity...and to be honest, it goes undiagnosed quite often. PTC will cause excruciating headaches that are not alleviated by migraine meds. Reduction of spinal fluid through diuretics and/or lumbar punctures often alleviate symptoms. PTC will cause visual disturbances because the optic nerves become compressed because of the increased volume of cerebral spinal fluid. PLEASE get yourself checked out. The doctor can diagnose this condition by looking at the optic nerves of both of your eyes. If you have bilateral papilidema, he needs to refer you to a Neurologist and/or a Neuroopthalmologist ASAP. If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to send an email message directly to me. GOOD LUCK!!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)..........
   — KathieInHawaii

June 3, 2002
I also have migranes, I take emitrex, it helps greatly. You might also want to get your hormones checked. Most migranes in women are linked to hormones or stress. Hope this helps. Best of luck.
   — deb_wls2001

September 6, 2002
I know for sure my migraines are hormonal related. In my early 20s, I was taking strong birth control pills and got migraines. I went off them and didn't have migraines again until about age 45, at which point the headaches started again and slowly got more frequent and more severe till age 52 when I went through menopause. Once menopause was over, I stopped having headaches. I found progestrone cream was helpful in reducing the headaches as long as I used it every day, twice a day.
   — Darlene P.

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