Has anyone been diagnosed with a kidney cyst

During my RNY procedure my Surgeon found that my liver was fatty and large. Yesterday I had an abdominal ultrasound to rule out a fatty liver. My liver is within normal limits and is no longer fatty. However, the radiologist informed me that I have a 1.3 cm cyst on my right kidney. I now have an appoint with a kidney specialist to make sure everything is okay. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks!    — ellton (posted on January 18, 2002)

January 18, 2002
About 7 years ago while undergoing a cat scan, they found that I have a cyst on my right kidney. At the time, the doctor said that if it wasn't bothering me, then to leave it alone. If I started having problems, then they would consider removing it, but so far it hasn't given me any trouble.
   — livnliter

January 19, 2002
I'm 9 months post-op lap/rny down 93 lbs and was also told I had a cyst on my kidney about three months ago. My primary doctor told me not to worry about it too but I'm going to get it checked out just to be on the safe side. Thanks for asking this question as it reminded me to get to a specialist. Hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about for both of us.
   — Jeanne R.

January 19, 2002
I, too, was told that I had a cyst on my right kidney (I'm already prone to sebaceous cysts throughout my entire body) and my surgeon stated that they are actually normal and it's nothing to worry about. whew! That made me feel lots better.
   — trtorrey

January 20, 2002
I had a Urinary Tract Infection that just didn't sit well with me. I had test after test done and nothing. Then they cat scanned using the IVP dye that they inject into your bloodstream to see a better picture. Sure enough they found the "cyst". No symptoms, signs, fever,.....nothing. The physician who read the scan wasn't 100% sure it was totally a cyst, so he sent me in for an MRI. There is where they found I had Renal Cell Cancer. Now, I'm not telling you this to scare you, just make sure they are not dismissing it. Mine was 1.4cm in a cat scan done 1 year previous to this one. When they removed it, the tumor was 2.3cm. It was only a partial kidney removal (1/8th). No problems since. Ironically, the surgeon who assisted with the kidney surgery, is going to be my surgeon for the opem RNY. He says that it would be no problem at all. Good Luck and don't worry if you have been cleared.
   — Elizabeth P.

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