Is it possible to donate extra skin for burn victims after tummy tuck?

Especially after the Sept. 11th attacks you hear of so many burn victims needing skin doners, is it possible to donate your extra skin to help people after a tummy tuck and breast lift? This seems like it would really help, and if you can how would you go about doing it?    — elifritz (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
Yes, you can donate the skin. Call the Shriner's Burn Institute in Galveston or the Shrine Temple on Braeswood in Houston. They can give you the information.
   — Pat B.

November 7, 2001
What a generous idea! Just this morning on my local news was the story of 3 young children critically burned in a house fire (arson) in Philadelphia. What a great way to help such victims.
   — Donna L.

November 7, 2001
Yes, it is a great idea. However, you may want to check before hand. I have heard that the quality of our skin after stretching and such is not good enough for skin grafts. If anyone knows for sure I'd love to hear.
   — Dawn Y.

November 7, 2001
No. This question has been asked before and the research was conclusive (See U of Michigan report). Because of the need for 'purity', that is, non-virus contaminated skin, only cadaver skin is used as 'real skin' replacement. Auto grafting is much more common. Invariably rumors are started that various burn center hospitals will take the skin, but it is simply not so.
   — merri B.

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