Did anyone pre-op have problems falling asleep while driving or at other bad times?

I can hardly drive further then a few miles because i can't stay awake. Many times I have woken up on the wrong side of the road. It's scary! It makes no difference how much sleep I get at night either. Have any other people had this problem and will this get better post op?    — elifritz (posted on October 25, 2001)

October 25, 2001
Please, if you haven't already done so, go to a sleep specialist and get tested for sleep apnea. This is one of the signs of that condition - it used to happen to me too, but not since I was diagnosed and began sleeping with a c-pap. And PLEASE be careful driving! Good luck!
   — BlueGray

October 25, 2001
i must second ann's plea for u to see a sleep specialist!!! i too used to fall asleep at the wheel. & at work, in front of the fact any time i sat down! i have sleep apnea & have been on CPAP for 3 years now. not only is ur falling asleep at inappropriate times dangerous, but, sleep apnea is a danger to ur long term health.
   — sheryl titone

October 25, 2001
It's unanimous....sounds like sleep apnea to me, too. I was diagnosed & used a c-pap for several years, til I had my WLS. Then, within a month of my surgery & after about 50 pounds lost, I no longer needed it & haven't used the c-pap since (about 18 months).
   — Kathy W.

October 25, 2001
I don't have this problem now, but before I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid I would fall asleep anywhere. In the car, (thank god I never crashed), at my desk at work, at the lunch table, during meetings. It was ridiculous. I had to keep moving if I didn't want to doze off. You may or may not have this condition, but it's worth getting checked out. Once I was put on medication I was able to function normally again. In addition to falling alseep my thyroid had alot to do with all the extra weight I had gained. Even is you were checked pre-op, it may have changed. It's better to be safe than sorry. Good Luck....
   — Betty M.

October 25, 2001
Please consider all the people you put in danger if this is not corrected...children, pregnant mothers, families and everyone out there!!! This is not a condition to be toyed with. But most of the time, from what I have read, it can be corrected!!! Please seek medical help
   — Jackiis

October 26, 2001
I used to do this too! I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been on a c-pap machine...this has been a great help.
   — Oldsoul

October 26, 2001
SO STOP DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

October 26, 2001
I also had sleep apnea and it would make me very tired. But a dear friend of mine was so heave that when he leaned forward he would cut off his own air supply and black out. He had no idea he was doing this , we would push him back and he would just continue on with the conversation like nothing happened. Whatever it is please get help before you kill yourself, someone you love or someone I love.And I agree with one of the other posters STOP DRIVING!!
   — Rose A.

October 26, 2001
Please do get the sleep study and ask them to put a rush on it. And please don't rationalize continuing to drive "because..." You and everyone else want to continue to live in fully functioning bodies!
   — Chris T.

October 26, 2001
I had the same trouble with staying awake and driving and i was working on a ambulance..i finally one day realized i needed to find out what was going on...i had a sleep study and was found to have severe sleep apnea..when i had my sleep study they had to use emergency protocol on me because i kept stopping my advice to you is stop driving and get a sleep study done quickly...i know have to use a cpap machine and it has done wonders for me....see a doc quickly...and good luck...
   — Deanna D.

October 28, 2001
All of YOU doctors just diagnosed this poster with sleep apnea, yet you failed to ask other pertinent questions like "Do you fall to sleep any other time besides behind the wheel of the car?" It could very well be narcolepsy. "DUH!!!"
   — [Anonymous]

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