I am only 1 wk post op from open rny. I was given Oxyfast for pain control

when I left the hospital on the fourth day after surgery. I was given 30 doses of oxyfast to be taken every 4 to 6 hrs. I have needed it and it helps me to get around so much better. I have not used it as often as I was told to because after I run out I can't get anymore! I am suffering in the day time so I can have it for pain control at night. I have never used drugs and I am a 100% good citizen but because of abuse by OTHERS I cannot have the pain control I need. Doesn't make sense to me! Has anybody else had this experience? Anything else I can use. Loratab makes me sick...too sweet. Liquid Tylenol makes me nauseous. Why is my doctor being so conservative with his approach to post op pain control? My nurse said that I shouldn't be having any pain 1 wk post op! Puhleeze!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 23, 2001)

October 23, 2001
That's unfortunate that the bad have to ruin it for all the good==like yourself. I would take the pain medication as needed. In the meantime I'd contact your surgeon and explain it to him/her the same way you did here. If that doesn't help, contact your PCP. If that still doesn't work, perhaps you could try regular Tylenol pills. Scary I know, but I handled it fine from 5 days post=op on. If it makes you feel any better, I really didn't need any pain meds (for my incision) after about 8-9 days post-op. But, just because "I" didn't doesn't mean that your Dr. and nurse should expect that from you and everyone else that has their stomach cut open and stapled shut! I wish you the same kind of luck.
   — Kristin R.

October 23, 2001
Talk to your PCP sometimes (I've found ) the surgeons don't understand pain! I once had a neuro-surgeon who ordered a myleogram without any sedation or pain relief he said I didn't need it. Thank God for my family doctor.No one should have to suffer , call your private doctor. Good luck and God bless.
   — Rose A.

October 23, 2001
Go to your Pcp and explaine.
   — [Anonymous]

October 24, 2001
Whew dont I understand where you are coming from. I havent had surgery yet HOWEVER I have a chronic pain condition called Neuropathy. It was hard to find good pain control because of people who abuse the system. Thank goodness for my pain managment doc. My surgeon understands that I am on serious meds before surgery so he will be prepared. I am currently on meds similar to the oxyfast but in tablet form daily so of course it will take stronger meds after surgery.
   — Melody F.

October 24, 2001
Definetly go back to your doctor If you need more pain control.. Pain control is usually give for the amount of time you "should" need it. If you need more your doctor needs to know how much pain you are still in. Something could be wrong. Also, Narcotics are addictive no matter how good a person or how good you intentions are, so it really is better for you Doc to know you need more and help monitor you.I hope you feel better soon!
   — Patricia R.

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