What is a H. Pylori test?

My doctor prescribed a Gallbladder Ultrasound and H. Pylori ICD Code #533.90. I know what the gallbladder ultrasound is to check whether or not I have gallstones, but what is H. Pylori ICD? Is this to rule out ulcers, and is it a blood test?    — Vanessa J. (posted on November 3, 2000)

November 3, 2000
H Pylori is an infection found in the stomach. You must be cleared of it prior to surgery. The test is an endoscopy. It takes acout fifteen minutes and didn't hurt one bit, (they give you conscious sedation). If you are found with H Pylori, the put you on medicine to clear it up for about two weeks. No big deal. Good Luck!
   — Jeannet

November 3, 2000
Yes, the H. Pylori is a blood test. He is checking to see if you have the antibodies to this bacteria that can cause ulcers, that way you can be treated with antibiotics.
   — PNethery

November 4, 2000
H. Pylori ICD, is a blood test. They are testing to see if your stomach containes the H. Pylori parasite which can live in the lining of your stomach. I had tested positive before my surgery. My stomach bacteria tested at 10 times the normal count. Appearently this is one reason I was so lathargic! My doctor explained that many people can carry this parasite and never have any abnormal problems, however it can cause ulcers and if you are going to have WLS you do not want anything causing ulcers! The treatment is two weeks, and for me it was a cocktail of 4 pills two times a day. 2 different antibiotics (appearently it can mutate very quickly so they do two at a time to kill the bugger) and a stomach acid pill. I got the all clear a week before surgery! If you do a search for H. Pylori on the net you can find lots of very interesting sites which really explains all about it. Patricia
   — Tricee

October 14, 2003
Yikes, I just found out I have it too. I guess it is not real unusual for people to have it and not know it. Mine was discovered via a blood test. I am now on a 2 week "PrevPak". Which consists of twice a day taking: Lansoprazole aka Prevacid (re-flux type med) Amoxicillin (anti-biotic), and Clarithromycin (anti-biotic). These meds vary by doc. however, what does not vary.... Be vigilant in taking your meds. Interestingly, I read that yougurt is NOT PRoven to help - but it is a theory. So I am taking it IN ADDITION to my meds.
   — Emily H.

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