I just returned home from incisional hernia repair. I gained 18 pounds in 4 days

This has to be IV fluid, how long does it take to go away normally? I had open RNY and that was a breeze compaired to this hernia repair..    — Kathy S. (posted on December 4, 2004)

December 4, 2004
Don't worry! Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, I had a bowel obstruction. I was down to my goal, had lost my summer extra! Was so happy. Came out of hospital and had gained ten. I knew I shouldn't have weighed, because you always gain because of the fluid. Thankfully, when I went for my ten day check I had lost it all. Going for my tummy tuck next week, I am not going to weigh after! Good luck.
   — Tinadelve

December 4, 2004
Yes, it's fluid you received in surgery plus your body will retain fluid the first week to 10 days. When you start having increased urination, you will see the weight come down!
   — DrL

December 4, 2004
I have to agree my Open RNY was a cake walk compared to the hernia repair I had two weeks ago. The pain was horrible and I had no pain with my RNY. I did not gain weight with the hernia repair, I actually lost 18lbs. Do no worry though, it is just fluids from the IV's. It will be gone before you know and even more!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 4, 2004
It is very common, read what Dr John posted for you in way of an answer a few posters back. They are pumping iv fluids into you during the surgery. I gained 30# with my open RNY, I was in the OR for 4 hrs because of adhesions from a prior surgery and all the surgical mesh that was in me. I had to wear slippers home from the hospital because my legs and feet were so swollen. They put 300 CCs of iv fluid into you an hour. Just get moving around and it will leave your body naturally thru urination.
   — ChristineB

December 5, 2004
Kathy, this is all normal you will lose it, it is all fluids, I also had a repair in Oct of this year and YES it is worse the pain then the WLS, went to the Doctors last Monday here I have another Hernia, I liked to DIED, it was from a cold I had and all the coughing I did I blew out the other side of my stomach I cannot beleive this!!!! Iam So DISGUSTED!!!! I now just wear a support belt around me Iam not ready for another operation now. Well Good Luck and thhe weight will decrease. take Care Christine
   — blainejrjeni

December 5, 2004
Kathy, this is all normal you will lose it, it is all fluids, I also had a repair in Oct of this year and YES it is worse the pain then the WLS, went to the Doctors last Monday here I have another Hernia, I liked to DIED, it was from a cold I had and all the coughing I did I blew out the other side of my stomach I cannot beleive this!!!! Iam So DISGUSTED!!!! I now just wear a support belt around me Iam not ready for another operation now. Well Good Luck and thhe weight will decrease. take Care Christine
   — blainejrjeni

December 6, 2004
I also had an incisional hernia repair in April. I wanted to cry when I saw how much weight I had gained while in the hospital. But it was all water weight and it was gone in about a week. Yours will be too.
   — y0maria

December 6, 2004
Just an update. I weighed this morning and 16 pounds are gone already. I will be one week post op tomorrow and still want the license of that truck lol.
   — Kathy S.

December 7, 2004
I had an open rny and my recovery for an incisional hernia repair/mesh last June was alot more painful. I was outpatient and back to work in one week. I had to be very careful during the recovery ---I allowed myself 6 weeks before I lifted anything over 10 lbs. My weight loss started again, and I really started losing inches. Watch for fluid buildup just under the skin,
   — debmi

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