Has anyone had surgery to remove the excess skin from their back (love handles)?

I am over two years postop from wls and 3 months postop from my tummy tuck. I have severe excess skin on my back (love handles) that my PS said would have to be done in a separate surgery next year. He told me that if I lost the last 20 lbs. I wanted to lose it might help this area otherwise I would need surgery to fix this area. I don't think he has preformed a surgery like this, so I definately would like to meet with other PS to get their opinions.<p> Has anyone had this specific area operated on? I was told a breast reduction and lift might help also. I am trying to find out what my options are before I make a decision on what to do. This is the only thing that really bothers me now that my sagging belly is gone. <p>I am assuming that my insurance won't cover this and surgery really isn't in the budget so I am trying to find out if there is a low cost alternative. If you did have surgery, what did it cost? Any input would be appreciated.    — ckreh (posted on November 14, 2004)

November 14, 2004
That area might be done 'seperate' but it also depends on your surgeon. I had a Breast lift and my surgeon 'specially' said he was going to get rid of the sides and did for (free) removed the side love handles. so if your getting your breasts done... do a second maybe your 'new' one will throw that in...
   — star .

November 14, 2004
The love handles are usually addressed as part of an extended abdominoplasty. If the excess goes way around then a belt lipectomy will get rid of this excess. It may require some lipo also for contouring. Since the TT is already done, basically you need the back portion of a BL. However, you may find that the new surgeon, in doing a BL may end up opening you up all around, along the old incision to get everything pulled correctly. Or at least part way around the front, is more likely. If you just stop both procedures right at the sides you are likely to have dog ears and you don't want that either. A lot depends on exactly how things look. It definitely is possible to still do this area. Like the other person said if you are definitely planning on any more PS then it does make sense to do this work as a 2nd procedure, because even if the surgeon doesn't throw it in for free it will be greatly reduced from having two separate surgeries. You definitely want to use a surgeon who is comfortable doing a BL. A BL is typically and lower body lift but without the lateral thigh work. It would lift your butt also if needed. I had the LBL and then the equivalent of an upper torso lift to take care of the stuff left abvoe the waist after the LBL. Strange anatomy prevented the doc from getting it all in 1 procedure. I just had a medial thigh lift last Wed and some revisions to the upper torso lift. Everythings tight now, that's for sure. Can't wait for all the swelling to go down so I can see the end results. So far I like what I see with the legs and I have the hourglass shape back that was there after the 2nd surgery. I just hope that the skin I have left is quality enough to stay taut from now on. 35+ years of large stretch marks didn't leave my surgeon with the best possible skin to work with, that's for sure. <p>You definitely want to find a surgeon that you have total confidence can do the job and will do it well. I changed PS's after I had my insurance approval for the full extended abdominoplasty as he just kept waffling at the results I could expect from the LBL I was having. I paid for the lateral thigh portion. I'm so glad I changed as I ended up with a surgeon who exudes confidence but is not arrogant. He spent a lot of time with me and figuring out how he would do it, based on my anatomy etc. and the results have been amazing. I now say I have "Body By Dierberg", instead of Body By Jake. LOL I also figured out, a few months after the LBL when the original PS was talking at our support group, that he and I were not talking the same procedure. By BL he was not going to touch the lateral thighs at all, which was a huge issue since I carried so much weight in the saddlebag area. He never planned to do a LBL, but because of the interchange of terms these doc use, it wasn't apparant to me at the time. I'm just glad I went with my gut instinct and kept looking for the right guy. It wasn't a problem to change docs either. I just had to let insurance know I wanted to do it. Good Luck and I'm glad the TT turned out so well. I'm sure any more work you have done will be just as wonderful. PS is a heck of a way to get to a normal body is all I can say. There should be a magic button we can push once the weight is off and then the skin just shrinks up. I can dream! LOL
   — zoedogcbr

November 14, 2004
I had the same concern and had a LBL done to address them. Also had lipo to the back and bra area to help. Even 2 weeks post op I am thrilled with the results even still swollen. Maybe just lipo would work? My LBL was totally out of pocket so I was not settling for less then all my areas fixed at once. My isurance just won't cover PS at all, no exceptions. Wendy
   — Wendy H.

November 15, 2004
I had the fat and skin on my sides and back removed through my belt lipectomy, which also took off the fat and skin from my stomach. I had an incision going all the way around me! I had everything done at one time. You will be happy with the results.
   — raye

November 17, 2004
I think the best plan is to just do a body lift and do an incision all the way around and lift the bottom, get rid of skin on the front, back, and sides! The newest innovation (I have done 3 so far) involves saving that back roll, removing its skin and placing that excess to fill the buttocks back up at the time of LBL. Looks great!
   — DrL

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