After TT is one hip curvier than the other?

I had my TT, abdominalplasty, done almost two weeks ago. I am very happy with the results so far, even with being this swollen. However, I noticed last night in the mirror that my one hip is curvier, rounder, than the other one. Is this due to all the swelling? Just curious. I did have JP drains in each hip at the end of incision. I know it will take up to 6 months to know the final result. Thanks in advance for any input.    — ckreh (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 23, 2004
OMG, you must have been a fly on the wall in my house. I also hadf abdominoplasty, just a week ago, and so far so good. I also, as early as 3 or 4 days out, have noticed one hip being curvier than the other. My husband notices it if I point it out to him. I am seeing the PS on Wednesday and plan to ask him what the deal is. Feel free to e-mail me in the evening and I may have an answer for you!!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 23, 2004
I had a TT (with hernia repair) 4 wks ago, without any hip lipo and I have the same observation as you. My JP drains were in my pubic area (3 of them) but even so, my hips are a bit curvier than they EVER were preop. I am hoping you are right about the six months and final results etc. I did ask my plastic surgeon about this, and he said that the hips are the lowest part relative to gravity, and thats partially responsible. All the best to you!
   — zena X.

August 23, 2004
Same deal hear. Twoo weeks after surgery my PS said it was fluid and he drained me with a needle. Thank god he stuck th eneedle where I can't feel it. I was amazed at how much fluid he drain out of me. Good luck
   — sarah C.

August 25, 2004
Went to see the doctor today and he thought it was a fluid build up. He tried to drain it 5 times, but no luck. So he told me it could be a blood build up which will not drain, but should reabsorb within a few weeks. So I am supposed to keep the binder on and keep an eye on things. Thank goodness I didn't look at the needle, my mom said it was huge. Boy am I sore now from being poked 5 times.
   — ckreh

August 26, 2004
This sounds silly but was told by my plastic surgen that sleeping on one side more than the other can make the hips come out different.
   — Peggy R.

August 28, 2004
Peggy, I don't know about you, but at 2 weeks out, I am still sleeping on my back, propped up, and with pillows under my knees so I don't stretch too much. How could I end up uneven if I haven't slept on my side yet. I suppose if mit happened to some who are further post-op than I am, but don't think this could be the case for me!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

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