How much did your plastic surgery cost?

Hello! I'm eight weeks post-op. I need to lose a total of 230 pounds! I have No doubt that I will get there. I also have no doubt that I will have alot of excess skin All over. I currently don't have insurance. Plan to have insurance by the time I need the surgery, but there's no guarantee it will be covered. I'm a proactive thinker and would like to get an idea of how much money I may have to pay out. I'm talking about - arms, breast lift, tt, thighs. Let me know the total cost your insurance paid or the total cost you paid out. Thanks guys!!!    — Kimberly J. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
Depends on the area you live in. I live in Seattle and my insurance didn't cover any of my PS. I had an extended TT, extended brachioplasty and a breastlift done at one time. It cost a little over $19K including the surgical center and anesthesiologist and worth every penny! My Dr. charges slightly more than other PS but he is THE best in the area and had done alot of work on WLS patients. Good luck with your weightloss!!
   — Kris T.

September 15, 2003
I live in WI and just had a PS consult last week. The costs I got were $5000 panni, $7000-7500 abdominalplasty, $9000-10,000 belt lipectomy, $4000-4500 upper abdominal area (I need 2 procedures to get everything done right due to how I am built). I think he does the arms for about $3000-3500. I did not ask about that because it is lowest on my list. Right now I am planning on $12,000-15,000 for the belt lipectomy and upper abdominal area. Do not know if insurance will cover any of it. Time will tell, but I am not holding my breath.
   — zoedogcbr

September 15, 2003
Original Poster: Thanks for your responses!
   — Kimberly J.

September 15, 2003
The cost for the full abdominoplasty $4200, liposuction of the upper arms $1800, modified brachhioplasty $1800, thigh lift $4200, breast lift $3600 and neck lift $2000. This is my PS costs in Columbus, Ohio - but he's in an exclusive area of Columbus so it's a little higher then most doctors.
   — Patty H.

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