Why are my calves swollen???

I am pre-op. My surgery is Oct. 2, 2003. I have been doing what my surgeon requested as far as diet and exercise. I drink plenty of water, most of the time. I think I have lost 25lbs. But off and on my calves get swollen and very uncomfortable. My PCP took precautions and gave my an ultra sound for blot clots. Thank God there weren't any. Any one know what could be causing this. Thanks for the help.    — Greattobe B. (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
Hi I am glad your PCP had you take the echo to check for blood clots, and that you dont have any. Have you been exercising and maybe injured them in any way? My husbands calf got very swollen and he also had the echo and nothing showed up on his except he had some arthritis. So she gave him a water pill (lasix) and that took care of it within a couple of days. Good luck on your upcomming surgery:0)
   — wizz46

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