should I get this checked out right away?

I have had a hernia since my surgery 6 months ago. Just recently it is getting to where it causes me quite a bit of discomfort and bulges out quite a bit, it is also very hard. When it is sticking out I can usually push it back in by stretching up and pushing on it, and it makes a wierd gurgling sound/sensation. I really wanted to wait to make it an issue and get the tuck/repair at the same time. I have lost the majority of my weight, from 286 to 177lbs. Should I deal with this now? or try and push it off a little longer? Are hernias dangerous? Thank you for your help!    — badmaxxi (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
Um, don't you think it wise to call the DR and ask them? This doesn't sound too good.
   — Beverly S.

August 25, 2003
Julie, jmo but I think you should call your surgeon or Dr and let know about this and let them decide if this is something that can wait..You dont want to cause any health problems for yourself...good luck Deanna
   — Deanna Wise

August 25, 2003
My husband has had a hugh hernia that you can see across the room for years. No one has wanted to do surgery as he is MO. He has been told by several surgeons that has long as he can push it back thru he is ok. If he can't, he needs to be in surgery within 18 hrs. You should check with your dr. to seeif you can wait until tt time.
   — lessofme170

August 25, 2003
Hernias can be very dangerous if your intestines become twisted or blocked. Mine developed when I was about 5 months post-op but was able to wait till I was about 16 months post-op to have it repaired with a TT at the same time. My DR advised if it ever became painful to call him immediately and meet him in the ER so that he can do the surgery right away. I would definately have your DR check this out for you and if he says wait then be assured that you have an experts opinion.
   — samizaki

August 26, 2003
HI, I'm in the same boat as you are. My surgery was in mid Nov. of 2002. I had an itty-bitty hernia prior to surgery, but now I have a great big ceature of a hernia from my incision. I saw my doctor and he wanted to operate on it right away (that was in July). It is pronounced and has been extremely uncomfortable at times. My surgeon suggested that I wear a support garment or binder for support. I do that now and it has helped tremendously. I'm having my hernia repaired and my pannis removed in September. I started at 312 and am at 203, with a goal of 200. My doctor said that because I was at the end of my projected weight loss that surgery now was fine. I suggest that you discuss this with your doctor. Best of luck!!!
   — Barbara M.

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