why is there numbness after I had my panni

I had a panni 6 weeks ago and I cant feel if my pouch is full or empty. I will get a gut rumble once in a while if I am really hungry but I cant tell at all if I am full. I cant feel if my bladder is full either. I go to the bathroom every hour just to empty my bladder. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this after a panni.    — Lisa J. (posted on August 17, 2003)

August 17, 2003
I have not had my surgery yet but I have had 3 c-sections and I can tell you I am still numb and my "baby" is almost 2. My numbness stops just under my belly button. When I asked my dr about ot he said that with any type of abdominal surgery it is normal to be numb for a while some people are numb forever. He said it is due to the large anount of nerves that are cut during your surgery. I hope this helps.
   — Mischief1212 A.

August 17, 2003
Had that type of surgery too, just a bunch more extensive. The tightness from the muscle work made me feel like I had to choose between eating or breathing. You can guess what won most of the time as its pretty hard to eat while unconscious! (LOL!) That was June of '02. Anyhow I still have a confusion on the different sensations like bladder pain or cramps (UTI or whatever), menstrual cramping, or muscle soreness. I just can't tell like I used to. I also had trouble for a LONG time with telling when my bladder was full. I'd wake up in pain (literally) with my bladder so full I felt like I couldn't even bend getting out of bed. I had no sensation until it was at that point. I do think it has a lot to do with all the nerves and such cut doing the surgery. From my experience the bladder sensation thing does get better, just takes time. BTW, I still have numb spots on my upper thighs from the surgery too. Still small price to pay for what you get!
   — Shelly S.

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