Did anyone have spontaneous nipple discharge after surgery?

I am 5 weeks post op. A few days ago, I started having problems with my nipples spontaneously discharging a milky looking liquid. It is totally gross. Last night while watching TV, I looked down and my shirt was wet. YUK! I am thinking my hormones are out of whack. I am going to see my doctor tomorrow. Anyone else know what this could be??    — S A. (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
ANY chance at all that your pregnant???
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2003
I had a tubal liguation done last year. So I am sure I am not pregnant.
   — S A.

July 8, 2003
this is definately one for your dr. nipple discharge can be a sign of several potentially serious problems, ranging from a hormonal imbalance to breast cancer to a pituitary problem just to name a few. This is important to bring to your Drs. attention asasp.
   — **willow**

July 9, 2003
From my past experience, nipple discharge can be caused by some medications including, but not limited to, birth control pills and depression medications. If you have started any new medications lately, you may want to check out the possible side effects on the PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference) on-line or check with your doctor. I usually check for symtoms on-line since doctors may not be readily aware of the rare symptoms. You're right, it's not pleasant. Good luck in identifying and, hopefully, rectifying the cause. Email me if you need to talk.
   — Beth B.

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