I am curious to know about what the avarage price is for a Tummy Tuck...

Anyone who can tell me I would appreicate it. Just trying to figure out how much asomething like this costs in case I need one one day and Ins. wont cover it! Thanks!!!    — Linda E. (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
I went yesterday to a consult and was told 7,500 for Tummy Tuck
   — Teresa G.

February 27, 2003
It always depends on where you live. I did medical review for TT's and we had a computer program that showed the differnt costs throughout the nation. I can say that living in CA you will have one of the higher costs, but then the salary is more there too. In MN it runs about $5.500-$13.000 depending on the doctor and facility you choose.
   — ZZ S.

February 27, 2003
I live in NC, and my plastic surgeon's fee for a panniculectomy (anchor incision) was $3000. The additional charge for overnight hospitalization and anesthesia brought the total amount to approximately $6000. I had the option of having the surgery in the surgical suite of his office which would have been a total cost of $4500. Charges will vary widely depending on the area of the country. I had Acordia and CIGNA PPO insurances which covered the panniculectomy as well an armlift which was performed at the same time. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

February 27, 2003
Linda, I flew into San Diego to go see Dr. Gongora at the Genesis Clinic. He's in MX, just over the border in Rosarita Beach. His facility is very nice, state of the art operating room, great staff. I had a MAJOR abdominoplasty done last spring there and had awesome results. A standard tummy tuck runs about $3500. That is all inclusive. They also do pre-op testing there on site. Its required and runs about $120 but they'll do an EKG,psych eval,blood tests, etc. Their website is Or you can call the clinic at 011 52 661 6123161. Even though I had costs to fly down and I stayed for a week, it was still a TON cheaper than I could get here (I'm from northern Idaho). If you want to talk, just email me.
   — Shelly S.

February 27, 2003
I just went to a seminar tonight by a local plastic surgeon and he said doctor, hospital, and anesthesiologist was $10,000.
   — jen41766

February 27, 2003
My surgeon's fee was $4200. The anesthesiologist was $1000 and the hospital was $11,000.
   — Patty H.

February 27, 2003
hi my surgeon said in caase i have to go self pay his feeis 4500 he said sometimes even though the insurance turns you down they still might pay hosiptal charges just not his fee. he said there will be one night stay to make sure everything is ok before you go home.

May 12, 2003
My tummy tuck is costing a little over $10K at Vanderbilt.
   — Skinny M.

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