What does it mean when your pouch swells?

I am over 5 months post-op and I had the open RNY. I recently have been sick with the flu and have been coughing my head off. Now my tummy, up high where my incision is, is swollen and painful. Is this just due to all my coughing or could I have done something to my pouch by coughing so hard? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks    — Donna O. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
It could be a hernia. You should have your doctor look at it.
   — Michele C.

January 26, 2003
I have the same problem but my doc says it is scar tissue from flexing the abs. Check with your doc also because it could very well be something else. Doesn't it stink to suddenly find muscles you never thought you had? Good Luck to you and Get Well!!!
   — Regina C.

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