Has anyone experienced a jittery feeling in their joints....(elbows & knees)?

It's hard to describe....antsy...jittery....nerves..etc. If anyone can help..I would appreciate it....14 days post-op,    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 13, 2001
I don't know if this is what you mean but about a week after surgery I went through something horrible,It felt like an anxiety attack or something,I could feel it in my legs,and through out my body. I could'nt sit still or anything.My mom did the same thing. Turns out we're allergic to the anestesia and it was trying to leave our system. I went to the hospital and got a shot of benadryl and took the pills every few hrs.It all went away after a couple of days.
   — Vel K.

July 29, 2001
Hi thre: yes I had th same experience about 1 week or so after surgery....It was horrible, felt like I was going to jump out of my skin..could not sleep....It did go away , however, about a week later... was told by physician and take benedryl..helped a bit will subside...Mary Jane
   — mjvallee

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