I was told alba was a good source of protien

I need to know where to get Alba and what exactly it is? Does anyone have a clue? or a substitute. thank you .. Karen    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 23, 2000)

January 22, 2000
Alba is a powder that you mix with milk. I find it in the same aisle as Nestle Quick and tea bags, etc. Hope this helps
   — Judy C.

January 22, 2000
I used Alba back in the old Weight Watchers days. It can be found on the "diet food" aisle of most grocery stores. It does have protein but not a ton. I've always thought Alba tasted wonderful, and I was going to try it again, but after reading the label, I think it has way too much sugar and am really afraid that it would cause dumping.
   — Morgan B.

January 23, 2000
I didn't find Alba- but I would like to share something I was told about in the chat room- Pure Pro- from GNC. It is already mixed- kind of like a power drink- no sugar, no fat, 1 carb, and 40 grams of protein in 22 oz that counts towards you water intake. It tastes like a strong koolaide. I will be starting it next week as I am only 4 days post op. good luck!
   — M B.

December 26, 2000
Alba is a diet shake mix typically found in most grocery stores. My Dr. also recommended it as a source of protein.
   — Ronda M.

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