Can I get Cortisone shot 4 months postop

Iwas told I could not take my Celebrex for my knees after surgery.Its been 4 months and I need something stromger then Tylenol. I am hopeing to see my Dr. for a cortisone shot .Has anyone done this?    — deniseo278o (posted on August 3, 2003)

August 3, 2003
The list that came home with me from the hospital reads I can take celebrex. I opted for the viox (spelling?) in liquid form. It really helped, much better than tylenol and it's a very small amount and doesn't taste that bad. Please do some checking around, there are some really good pain med we can still take.
   — Maggie M.

August 3, 2003
Hi Denise. I just wanted to let you know that after mu surgery on 3/27/03 I too couldn't take celebrex and now take a different anti-inflammatory called Bextra with no problems. I seen my rhuemtologist about 2 weeks ago and did have cortisine shots in both knees since they are pretty bad. I have had no problems since receiving them. It has greatly helped ease some of the knee pain. I wish you well, take care
   — cherby56

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