I'm 2 weeks postop and had a few scrambled eggs for breakfast, now

I am having trouble just getting water down. It has been several hours and it is painful to even swallow water. I have not thrown up, but what is going on.    — Jeannie4 (posted on July 26, 2003)

July 26, 2003
If this keeps up, it might be caused by a stricture.It's a common complication especially around 3 weeks after surgery.It's a simple fix.You have an outpatient endoscopy and the G.I. doc will dilate the narrowing.They knock you out so you don't remember a thing.
   — jennifer A.

July 26, 2003
hi im pre-op but from what Ive learned in the first couple weeks half an egg should feel you up just fine. Maybe you ate to much. How any is a few scrambled eggs? a few bites or a few whole eggs? My surgeon is putting us on full liquids for 3 weeks. No eggs for me for 4 weeks that could also be the problem your new pouch cant handle the eggs right now...stick to full liquids and see if that yucky feeling goes away...congrats on your surgery
   — cinamoni

July 26, 2003
I'm on pureed foods, but for some reason pureed scrambled eggs are the ONLY thing I've tried that came back up - both times! (2 1/2 weeks post-op) I'm waiting a couple more weeks before trying them again. By the way, I agree with the respondents - 3/4 egg at most if you really want to try again.
   — Postop_nurse

July 26, 2003
I have to agree with Amy. 2 weeks post op and you had "a few" scrambled eggs? I couldn't even finish one egg and I didn't start eggs until about 4 weeks post op. It sounds like you over did it. The hardest part for me following surgery was learning to deal with portion size. A tsp. of something on my plate just never looked like it would be enough so I'd put a bit more. Then I'd try and eat it and make myself miserable. Start with a few bites. Wait a few minutes. Give your pouch a chance to recognize the fact that it now has food and is satisfied. Your brain will relay that message on and you'll push back from the table before you overeat. Hope you're feeling better soon.
   — Pam S.

July 26, 2003
Hi, I am also 2 weeks out, and I have been able to eat 2 scrambled eggbeaters... I am definitely full after! Are you eating really slowly? I was told to take at least 1/2 hour for each meal, and put the fork down betwen bites.
   — Tim W.

July 26, 2003
I had the same problem, although it was three weeks before I was told I could have scrambled eggs. However, I had problems with soups, and sometimes applesauce. After a while, I had problems with everything that I consumed except fluids. Yesterday I had e procedure called Esophus dilation, when the opening from the stomach that leads to the intestine is narrow. They took pictures, and my surgeon said it was tighter than a knat's a_ _ in a hurricane! The procedure was outpatient, and I suffered from gas afterwards. Today, I feel fine. He said the condition is known as "Stenosis". It happens to 1 of every 10 patients. He also said that the procedure is not done until you are 4 weeks post ope, and often times some patients need the procedure done twice, never three times. If you continue to have that problem, I suggest you inform your surgeon immediately. It felt as though the food was stuck in my esophogus, and when i drank water, it worsened. It was associated with a lot of belching, and I kept spitting up saliva, enormous amounts. Eventually, I began to throw up the food, and that's painful. Good luck, and keep the faith. It's only a small set back, nothing major.
   — Pamela C.

July 26, 2003
Original poster here--what I meant by a "few scrambled eggs" was I had a few bites, maybe 4-5 small bites. I can barely get more than 3-4 bites of anything in at this point.
   — Jeannie4

July 26, 2003
Try papaya enzyme. If it doesn't work, call your Dr. You may have a stricture.
   — mrsmyranow

July 26, 2003
Scrambled eggs did not sit well with me as a new post-op. I vomited them and felt some pain for a while after. Other times when I've had things get "stuck", I couldn't keep water down for a few hours after. Try some hot tea -- that seems to help me a lot. It relaxes the pouch to let the food pass through. If by tomorrow you still can't keep liquid down, call your surgeon. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 26, 2003
If I have a stuck food, I stick my finger down and rid it, follow with a sip of water and do it again to make sure it's all gone. However, you might have a stricture if this is a constant problem and you would need to be dilated with and endoscopy procedure. I would check with the doc for sure GOOD LUCK!
   — ZZ S.

July 26, 2003
When you have food stuck warm a cup of water and put 1/2 teaspoon of meat tenderizer in it and sip it. After awhile the food goes down. I read that hint here on this site and on someones profile. It works!!!!!
   — Delores S.

July 27, 2003
hi jeannie, I will be 2 weeks out on monday .Beleave me I am having trouble with water it seems so heavy like cement.It feels like it just sits in my stomach-hurts.I am still on liquids but have found that warm tea chicken brouth,sf hot chocolate,even sf lemonade sits better than water. hope this helps. Patty
   — patty L.

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