I weigh 530lbs. Is anyone else that heavy?

I am concerned that this high weight will affect my weight loss and recovery. Has anyome else been this heavy pre-op? If so I would love to talk to you anytime    — martharogers (posted on January 31, 2003)

January 31, 2003
I'm sure you'll hear from plenty of folks who are in your size range and who have done quite well. But I wanted to pass along the web address of another group which is specifically for folks of about 400 lbs (or BMI 65) and up. You'll find many people there who can answer your questions, too.
   — Diane M.

January 31, 2003
Hi Martha. I was 518lbs at the time of my Lap RNY surgery, which was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was also concerned going in with a BMI of 81, but I came thru it with flying colors! I have lost 45 lbs in the first 2 weeks and I'm very hopeful to lose the rest. If you have a surgeon who has experience on heavier people with higher BMIs, you should be fine too. Take care and good luck!
   — thumpiez

January 31, 2003
the addy is a great list, i am member of it and it is really great to talk to other people who have the smae problems and feelings as other s m o people! we have our own set of problems that those of lower starting weights can not imagine! it is a super list. good luck to you!
   — janetc00

January 31, 2003
I startd out at 477...and three months after my open RNY I am down 96 pounds. I think it depends on your overall general health.
   — GPoynor

January 31, 2003
You have to check out my firend Pete's website. He started out at 803 pounds with a BMI of 112. Now he looks awesome. If he can be successful anyone can. Here is a link to his site
   — Linda A.

January 31, 2003
I started at 528 so we couldn't be closer. I had open RNY on November 11, 2002 and came through it with flying colors. I had sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and difficulty walking but it didn't phase me at all. I didn't have any complications after the surgery, and the last time I weighed (6 weeks ago ) I was down 81 pds in only 6 weeks. I would be concerned but not afraid. Just make sure you follow your surgeon instructions completely and discuss every single little concern that you have with him. Feel free to email me with any concerns at [email protected] Good Luck!!
   — dkinson

February 1, 2003
I was hitting the higher end of 400 pounds when I had the surgery, I'm now down some 170 pounds and still losing slowly. If you want to talk, feel free to email me.
   — Gremlin Q.

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