Is there any other food to use for Cottage Cheese test?

I want to see if my pouch has stretched, but I cannot stand the taste of cottage cheese, never did, makes me gag big time! Is there anything else I can use in place of it?    — Laurie L. (posted on December 1, 2002)

December 1, 2002
I've heard that malt-o-meal, cream of wheat and oatmeal - made kind of thick (and since your not a new postie you can get away with that lol) is comparable for this test.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 1, 2002
I suppose you could use Ricotta cheese - but then it would be called - the Ricotta Cheese test
   — Marianne K.

December 2, 2002
I used stiff oatmeal. I like cottage cheese BUT . . . I guess you could use anything with that solid packed consistently: grits, polenta, stiff mashed potatoes. The other stuff is carbs, tho, so I guess that's why they use the cottage cheese. But I only like it with fruit!
   — ctyst

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